Covid-19 transformed into musical composition


The structure of Covid-19’s infamous prickly protein resulted in music, strangely beautiful …

The coronavirus structure was translated and converted into a musical composition by scientists. This source of so much anguish around the world has been transformed into something hypnotic and beautiful. The sounds are produced by harps and guitars, percussions, and flutes, and represent different parts of the prickly protein that protrude from the virus’s surface and allow it to attach to cells.

The composition was created by Professor Markus Buehler, in collaboration with scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and uses a new technique called sonification, in which each of the 20 amino acids that make up the spines has an assigned score. Each of these amino acids has a unique frequency of vibration, meaning that the chemical structure of complete proteins can be translated into auditory representations, such as note volume, melody, harmony, and rhythm.

According to a press release, this strange music can help create new compositional techniques in music, shedding light on the various rhythms and tones of proteins.

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