Covid-19: There will be no tolerance of points in the New Year because a “period of containment” is needed, says Costa – Actualidade


Speaking to journalists at the end of the inauguration of the new Level II Intensive Care Unit at the Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca Hospital (HFF), in Amadora (Lisbon), António Costa added that, also for this reason, “the current state it will surely be extended in an emergency. “

“The central administration will not have a tolerance point this year. As you know, we opted for very restrictive measures in the new year, since at Christmas time we were fortunately able to relax and now we need a period of measurement to evaluate the results, “he said.

António Costa considered that only in the second week of January will it be possible to “assess the impact that Christmas had” on the number of cases of covid-19.

“We hope it hasn’t had the damaging effect that it has had on other countries, I’m sure it hasn’t,” he said.

Asked about the increase in the number of cases registered today -6049 new cases, the highest since December 5, the day on which 6,087 were reported-, the Prime Minister said that “the most likely” is the minor’s compensation. number of tests performed. during the Christmas period.

“The real effects of Christmas are still early for the present terms, if they exist they will surely arrive between next week and the next, just do the math,” he said.

Therefore, António Costa expressed the conviction that the current state of emergency, which ends on January 7, “will surely be extended automatically” so that these effects can be evaluated.

“We will have 15 days of great measure again so that everything goes well,” he said.

Portugal represents at least 6,830 deaths associated with covid-19 in 406,051 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest bulletin from the Directorate General of Health (DGS).

The state of emergency decreed on November 9 to combat the pandemic was renewed until January 7, with mandatory curfews in the counties with the highest risk of contagion.

The Government decided to maintain the measures planned for Christmas, but aggravated those of the New Year period, with a curfew starting at 11:00 p.m. on December 31 and at 1:00 p.m. on December 1, 2 and 3. January. .

It is also prohibited to move between municipalities between 00:00 on December 31 and 05:00 on January 4.

The operation of restaurants throughout the continental territory is allowed until 10:30 p.m. on the last day of the year, and until 1:00 p.m. on January 01, 02 and 03.

Costa leaves “message of solidarity” to the Portuguese in prophylactic isolation

The prime minister also left a message of solidarity to the more than 91,000 Portuguese in isolation due to the covid-19 pandemic, and asked “great care” despite the start of the vaccination process.

António Costa took advantage of his personal experience, having finished a period of prophylactic isolation of 14 days after contact with an infected person, French President Emmanuel Macron.

“I wanted to tell you that I know well that these 14 days seem like an eternity that never ends, but they really end,” he said, wishing all Portuguese who are currently fulfilling this isolation to be able to complete it “in good health”, as was yours. case.

Asked how he was spending these days, António Costa explained that, as he did not present symptoms, he had the “happiness” of being able to continue working.

“I spent a lot of time doing my job. In the moments that I was not working it was a feeling contrary to the usual … Free time is really the most painful thing, “he said.

The prime minister began by asking journalists to be quick to ask questions, explaining: “You have to hurry because I really miss going home.”

António Costa declined to answer questions on current issues, such as increases in the salaries of TAP administrators or the promulgation of the State Budget for 2021 with reparations by the President of the Republic.

“This is the time when we have to focus on what is essential, what is essential is the fight against the pandemic and, in addition to the extraordinary work that these professionals do, what is essential is what we all have to do to avoid getting sick,” he said. .

The prime minister said he understood the “emotion and enthusiasm” with which the country has experienced the beginning of the vaccination process, but warned that it is “a long process, of several months.”

“Despite everything, covid will stay with us, this means that we cannot lower our guard and we must maintain all the rules of individual protection and continue to avoid as far as possible contacts that are not necessary because they are risk factors”, set.

“Be very careful, despite the vaccine,” he appealed, giving his example in which it was enough “to have lunch with an infected person” to spend 14 days in isolation.

On whether the purchase of two million more vaccines from Pfizer or the future approval of the AstraZeneca vaccine could change the vaccination plan in Portugal, António Costa said that both the centralized purchasing process at the European level and the distribution to each are defined. country .

“The important thing is that none of the fundamental steps are sacrificed so that everyone has confidence in the safety of the vaccine, the minimum of bureaucracy and the maximum possible rigor so that we can all feel safe in the licensing process,” he appealed.

António Costa was accompanied at this inauguration by the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, by the Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Regional Coordinator of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo for the pandemic, Duarte Cordeiro, and by the Mayor of Sintra, Basílio Horta, From the Fernando da Fonseca Hospital, it serves the municipalities of Amadora and Sintra.
