COVID-19. There is already a new state of emergency: 16 questions and answers to know what you can and cannot do


These are the rules that will guide us until at least November 23. The Government decree that establishes the rules of the state of emergency that begins this Monday has been published, so -among others- it is already possible to know what can and cannot be done every day of the week. And at what time. Here are sixteen questions and answers to help you better understand what we can and cannot do.

What time do I have to stay home?

In 121 (for now) counties identified as high risk, the prohibition of circulation in public spaces and roads, “or in private spaces and roads similar to public roads,” is in effect between 11 pm and 5 am. On Saturdays and Sundays the prohibition applies and must be respected between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. But there are exceptions.

It should be remembered that the list of counties covered will be updated every 15 days and the next review will take place in the Council of Ministers next Thursday.

Can I only go shopping in the morning?

No. Trips to grocery stores and supermarkets “and other establishments that sell food and hygiene products for people and animals” are provided as exceptions. In addition, in these establishments you can also buy other products that are available there.

“Preferably”, it should not be accompanied, being necessary to comply with the recommendations and orders determined by the health authorities and by the security forces and services, “that is, those relating to the distances to be observed between people.”

If a family member feels unwell, can I take them to the hospital?

May. Travel is allowed for health reasons, that is, to buy products in pharmacies or obtain medical care and the transport of people to whom such care must be administered.

I regularly take a walk near the area where I live. Do I have to respect a time outside the prohibition intervals?

You can do it at any time. Short walks are allowed, “for the enjoyment of moments in the open air”, even if they are not accompanied or only in the company of members of the same household who live together.

Can I walk my dog ​​at any time? Or guarantee assistance, if necessary?

Yes. Short outings are allowed to walk pets. Likewise, the movement of animal caretakers for urgent medical-veterinary assistance is authorized.

In addition, as far as animals are concerned, it is allowed to travel to veterinarians, colony keepers recognized by the municipalities, volunteers from zoophilic associations with animals in charge that need to travel to animal shelters and animal rescue teams. for urgent assistance.

Can I go out to eat on the weekend?

You will have to go very early, before 1 pm. Until then you can also pick up meals to eat at home (to go). Outside these hours, it will only be possible to request the delivery of meals at home, if the restaurants have this service.

In the case of traveling to work, what are the rules?

They are authorized, provided that a statement testifies to them. The document must be issued by the employer or analogous entity, or by the same, in the case of self-employed workers, sole proprietors or members of statutory bodies. In the case of workers in the agricultural, livestock and fishing sectors, it will be enough to declare it to the authorities, under an “honorable commitment”.

Health professionals and other workers in health and social support institutions do not need a declaration; civil protection agents, security forces and services, military, militarized and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and inspectors of the Food and Economic Security Authority; heads of sovereign bodies, leaders of the social partners and political parties represented in the Assembly of the Republic; ministers of worship (accredited by the respective church or religious community); personnel of diplomatic, consular missions and international organizations located in Portugal, as long as they are related to the performance of official functions.

I share custody of my son. Can I pick you up at my house, even if it’s time to pick you up?

It is one of the expected exceptions. Displacements derived from the fulfillment of the distribution of parental authority may be made, “as determined by an agreement between the holders thereof or by the competent court.”

Can I visit my grandmother, who lives in a house?

This exception is not included. That is, visits can be made, as long as there are no restrictions on movement.

What other trips are allowed?

The decree mentions trips for the emergency reception of victims of domestic violence or human trafficking, as well as children and young people at risk, through the application of a measure decreed by a judicial authority or the Commission for the Protection of Children and Children. Youth; travel to assist vulnerable people, people with disabilities, children, parents, the elderly or dependents; those necessary for the exercise of freedom of the press; and those that must be carried out for “causes of force majeure or imperative necessity”, provided that it is demonstrated and justified.

Who monitors compliance with the restrictions and what penalties are envisaged?

Inspection is the responsibility of the security forces and services, with the collaboration of the parish councils. Citizens who disobey the provisions of the decree can be taken home by the authorities. There are no fines.

I go to my son’s school to speak with the class principal. Can you measure the temperature at the entrance?

The measurement of body temperature by non-invasive means will not be mandatory, unless the Directorate General of Health (DGS) so defines it, but it can be done in the access control “to the workplace, public services or institutions, educational spaces and commercial, cultural or sports, means of transport, in residential structures, health establishments, prisons or educational centers ”.

And can you deny me access to those places?

Yes, if you reject the body temperature measurement or if it has a reading equal to or greater than 38ºC (as defined by the DGS).

Because I have a fever, I cannot enter the workplace. Is it an excused absence?

Yes, if the temperature measurement prevents a worker from accessing their workplace, the absence is considered justified.

I am a university student with face-to-face classes. Do I have to undergo a diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2?

Once again, the eventual obligation is subject to the prior decision, in this sense, of the DGS. But workers, users and visitors of health facilities, homes and educational establishments may need to be tested. The access of those who intend to enter or leave the peninsular national territory or the Autonomous Communities (air or sea) or within the scope of prison services and educational centers may also be subject to tests.

I am a civil servant and I am in prophylactic isolation. Can you request me?

May. In order to strengthen the detection capacity of the authorities and public health services, the decree provides for the possibility of mobilizing human resources, “that is, to conduct epidemiological surveys, track the contacts of patients with covid-19 and monitor to people on active surveillance “.

Workers of public entities of the direct and indirect administration of the State and of the local, private, social or cooperative sectors, civil protection agents or teachers with the absence of a teaching component may be mobilized.

In the case of workers who are not in prophylactic isolation, and “as long as working conditions are guaranteed that especially ensure the protection of their health, the exercise of functions at different times and places may be imposed.”
