Covid-19: there are six more dead and 780 infected. Active cases exceed 20 thousand | Coronavirus


There were six more deaths from covid-19 (all in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region) and 780 more cases of infection in Portugal, an increase of 1.2% compared to the previous day. Most of the cases were registered in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region (426 infections), with 250 more infections in the north, 46 in the center, 36 in Alentejo, 20 in the Algarve and two in Madeira. After 770 new infections were detected on Thursday, this is again the day with the most cases since April 10, the day in which 1516 cases of infection were registered.

They recovered 250 more people in the last day and now there are more than 20 thousand active cases in the country. These data were released in the epidemiological bulletin of the General Health Directorate (DGS) this Friday.

465 people are still hospitalized (15 less than the day before), 57 of whom are in intensive care units (two less than the day before). The fatality rate in Portugal is 2.8%. More than 70 years, the fatality rate rises to 14.2%, announced this Friday the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, at a press conference on the evolution of the pandemic.

There are currently 265 active foci in the country: 127 in the north, 78 in Lisbon and the Tagus valley, 26 in the center, 21 in the Algarve and 13 in the Alentejo.

In total, 67,176 people have been infected in Portugal with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (which causes the covid-19 disease) since the first cases were detected in Portugal, on March 2. number of recoveries exceeded 45 thousand (now there are 45,053) and the total number of deaths is 1894.

Around the world, there are more than 30 million people who have been infected with this coronavirus since the start of the pandemic; of these, 20.5 million people recovered and 946 thousand died.

“We are in a third phase of growth”

Between September 9 and 13, the Rt (transferability ratio) was 1.15 in Portugal. Regionally, Rt stood at 1.10 in the north, 1.19 in the center, 1.16 in Lisbon and the Tagus valley, 1.45 in the Alentejo and 1.20 in the Algarve.

Since August, “we are in a third phase of growth”, after the first between March and April and the next, with “less intensity”, between May and June, explained Baltazar Nunes, from the Doutor Ricardo Jorge National Institute of Health (INSA ). At the press conference.

The evolution of this third phase “will depend a lot on the effectiveness of the public health measures implemented associated with the state of contingency, school context, and identification and follow-up of cases,” he said. “The European context is in line with what is happening in Portugal,” the official added.

Influenza Vaccination Begins September 28

The first phase of free vaccination in the National Health Service will begin on September 28, announced the Director General of Health, Graça Freitas.

“In this first phase, we will vaccinate those with the highest priority: people who reside in structures for the elderly, health professionals and professionals from the social sector who provide care. Furthermore, as we will have around 350,000 doses of vaccine in this first phase, we will include pregnant women, ”explained Graça Freitas.

As of October 19, vaccination will cover the rest of the risk groups, such as people aged 65 and over and the chronically ill.

The calculation of excess mortality must take into account probable factors

Regarding the data on excess mortality in the country, the INSA representative, Baltazar Nunes, explained that this calculation “must be carried out taking into account the probable factor of this excess.”

“Calculating a total of deaths in a period and subtracting it from the average of the last five years is an indicator, but it is a fragile indicator from the perspective of understanding what factors are associated with this increase in mortality,” he explained.

Baltazar Nunes clarified that “the way in which mortality varied in this period of time clearly shows peaks” that correspond to three periods: flu, covid-19 and heat wave. “Mortality increased and then decreased,” he concluded.

“We have to live differently”

Asked about the gatherings at the entrance of schools and the new rules for going back to school, Marta Temido admitted that the measures implemented have a “clear effect on our psychological well-being and also have other effects.” “None of this is easy, they are adaptations that are made in our daily lives,” he said.

Graça Freitas added that “none of the measures are taken lightly.” “As a society, we have no other choice. At the moment, we only have two options: either we have a higher risk of becoming infected or, if we do not want to take that risk, without any risk, we have to adopt a huge number of new precautions. We have to live differently, ”said the Director General of Health.
