Covid-19: there are less than ten municipalities with more than 960 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants | Coronavirus


The number of municipalities with an incidence rate of cases of the new coronavirus accumulated in the last 14 days higher than 960 per 100,000 inhabitants fell to 25, ten less than in the previous week.

The data released this Monday by the General Directorate of Health (DGS) on the incidence rate of accumulated cases between November 25 and December 8 also show that it is currently the municipality with the highest number of covid-19 cases per 100 One thousand inhabitants is Mondim de Basto, Vila Real region, with 2,663 (633 more cases than last week).

It is followed by the municipalities of Marvão (Portalegre), with 2,097 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, Chaves (Vila Real), with 2,084 cases, Trofa (Porto), with 1,616 cases, Armamar (Viseu), with 1,577, Vila Pouca de Aguiar (Vila Real), with 1471, Crato (Portalegre), with 1470, Vila Nova de Famalicão (Braga), with 1424, Vimioso (Bragança), with 1392, and Esposende (Braga), with 1346 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants.

In contrast, the municipality with the lowest incidence rate is Aljustrel, which has 12 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Vila Velha de Rodão, which was the only municipality with a 14-day cumulative incidence of zero last week, now has 159 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Compared to the data reported last week, 182 (65% of 278) municipalities registered a decrease in the number of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants. On the other hand, 88 municipalities registered an increase in the incidence rate, while eight remained unchanged. This Monday there were fewer counties with a lower incidence than last week, when a decrease in new cases per 100,000 inhabitants was reported in 188 municipalities and an increase in incidence in 81.

The municipality that registered the greatest reduction in the incidence rate was, as last week, Freixo de Espada à Cinta (Bragança), with 1,456 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants compared to the previous update. The following are Gavião (minus 705), Fafe (minus 607), Lousada (minus 556), Guimarães (minus 474), Macedo de Cavaleiros (minus 461), Belmonte (minus 437), Cabeceiras de Basto (minus 428), Vizela (minus 427) and Póvoa de Lanhoso (minus 418).

The county with the largest increase in covid-19 incidence was Pinhel, with 822 additional cases per 100,000 residents compared to last week’s data. The list of the largest increases is also made up of the municipalities of Tabuaço (more than 812), Marvão (more than 699), Mondim de Basto (more than 633), Vimioso (more than 597), Crato (more than 575), Mourão (more than 530), Chaves (more than 528), Vila Pouca de Aguiar (more than 518) and Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo (more than 412), six of which also belong to the list of the ten municipalities with the highest number of new cases. The increases in Mondim de Basto and Chaves once again reveal the displacement of the pandemic epicenter of the coast towards the interior of the North, the region most affected by the virus.

The number of new cases registered this Sunday, 2,194, and released this Monday by the DGS is the lowest in almost two months, which decrease in the incidence rate of covid-19 nationwide to 514.5 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the lowest value since November 5.

However, while the daily number of infections has been declining in recent weeks (albeit with some occasional increases), the number of hospitalized patients has not dropped below the 3,000 mark for about a month.

Portugal also registered, on Sunday, another 90 deaths caused by covid-19, the fourth highest figure since the start of the pandemic. In total, the country has registered 350,938 confirmed cases, 5,649 deaths, and 274,277 recovered since the start of the pandemic.
