Covid-19: the population will be invited to be vaccinated by SMS


The covid-19 vaccination plan begins in December, but the general population is not expected to start vaccination until April. According to the plan drawn up by the workgroup for the vaccination campaign, the population must be summoned by SMS.

At first, the user will be asked if they want to be vaccinated. To this message, the user must respond with “yes” or “no”. If you answer yes, you will receive another SMS with the schedule.

Until April, priority groups will be vaccinated. Between December and January, 139 thousand people are expected to be vaccinated against covid-19 – 21 thousand health professionals and 118 thousand residents and professionals of nursing homes. This first phase will take place in the workplaces of health professionals and with mobile teams that will be moved to homes.

Vaccination of patients at risk is scheduled for February and this survey is already being carried out by the General Directorate of Health.

950 thousand people vaccinated until April

The first vaccines against covid-19 will arrive in Portugal on December 24 or 26 and it is estimated that 950 thousand people will be vaccinated by April, announced the coordinator of the workgroup Vaccination plan.

According to Pfizer’s provisional vaccine delivery schedule, 9,750 doses will be delivered in December, 303,225 in January, 429,000 in February and 487,500 in March.

The information we have is that the first vaccines will arrive in Portugal on December 24 or 26 and we will be able to start the vaccination. In fact, what is combined in European terms is that the 27 member states will start vaccination from December 27 to 29 ”.said the coordinator of the working group for the vaccination process, Francisco Ramos, at the end of a meeting with journalists, in which the “Covid vaccination plan” was presented.

The number of doses that will arrive is 9,700 and, therefore, in this last week of the year we will only vaccinate health professionals, who are also part of the indicated priority groups and who are the ones we want to protect, the ones that protect us ”., he stated.

On January 5, Portugal will receive about 300,000 more doses, which means that during that month there are conditions to vaccinate about 120,000 people living in homes and another 20,000 health professionals.

The difference between the number of doses of vaccines available and those vaccinated is due to the need to save doses for the second dose of those who have already started the process.

We will save a dose immediately for everyone who started vaccination, to make sure it will be available for that to happen. “Francisco Ramos explained.

Cybersecurity testing of the vaccine management platform

Currently, according to the plan, measures are being implemented related to the monitoring system to evaluate the performance of the vaccines, the application of cybersecurity tests to the vaccine platform, which will be the basis for the consultation and registration of inoculations and guarantee of technical conditions (Access to systems) in vaccination posts.

A vaccine administration monitoring system will also be developed, which will be linked to the distribution system for stocks and programming.

This system will allow monitoring of administration activity by region, location, type of vaccine and other attributes that are identified “the document says.

The plan also provides for the training of professionals, with webinars, with awareness and training content on the vaccination plan.

According to the document, the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine will be monitored, with monitoring of “vaccinated and unvaccinated” and also “adverse events.”

A “situation room” will also be created, led by the guardianship, with support for the decision of the workgroup to “guarantee the proper functioning of the circuit, permanent articulation between all entities, coherence between the different phases of the plan, receive information on problems that arise, answer questions that arise during the process and produce status reports.”

Portugal represents at least 5,902 deaths associated with covid-19 in 362,616 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest bulletin from the Directorate General of Health (DGS).

/ News updated at 21:25
