COVID-19. The German school in Lisbon has already prepared a comeback, with “bubble” classes and outdated schedules – Observer


Bubble classes, outdated schedules, new spaces and others closed to minimize contact are some of the changes that await students in one of the many schools that reopen on the first day of September.

It is already Tuesday that the German School of Lisbon, like other international schools, kindergartens and some private schools, begins to receive the first students and one day after the reopening preparations are finalized.

The new academic year begins at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic continues to affect millions of people around the world. There were many changes that educational establishments had to implement to be able to reopen safely.

In the German School, which has about a thousand children from kindergarten to 12th grade youth, one of these changes occurs in the organization of students and spaces, with students divided into “bubble” classes.

“We have this concept of bubbles (bubbles, in Portuguese), which consists of define groups that will not meet“Explained to Lusa the director of the school, Teresa Salgueiro Lenze, adding that the objective is minimize the risk of contagion and keep the school open as much as possible.

These groups will have defined times of entry and exit from school and each school year has a specific area to take advantage of breaks, which will be interspersed, so as not to cross with the companions.

The dimension of facilities de Telheiras, in Lisbon, allowed the school to manage this space, maximizing the distance between the different classes, and also allowed the installation of temporary structures to create new areas.

One of the means we implemented was distance, so we had to create space. Thanks to the large space we have, it was possible to rent containers and, for example, the teachers’ room is now divided into three parts, ”said the director.

In addition to the teachers’ room, the dining room now has a new area and instead of the old terrace next to the school’s outdoor pool, there is now a container with individual tables for students who choose to bring lunch from home.

In the cafeteria, which will also operate with outdated hours, the The number of seats per table has been reduced to ensure greater distance., acrylics were installed and, in the adjoining room, in the auditorium where events that will not be possible this year are usually held, more tables were placed.

On the other hand, some areas have been closed, such as the library and swimming pooland other limited ones, like the gymnasium.

Like others, in the German School of Lisbon the academic year starts two weeks ahead of schedule for public schools and, therefore, the time to readjust the new security regulations imposed in the context of the pandemic was shorter, but at the time of putting into operation what are the standards of the Ministry of Education and the General Directorate of Health, the institution he had medical support from the school.

During the last weeks, Volker Dieudonné participated in the writing of the contingency plan, which ranges from safety regulations to procedures to follow if a suspicious case is identified at the school.

To Lusa, with whom he spoke exceptionally without a mask, as the director, the doctor explained that at the entrance temperature will be measured for all people and employees, who have already conducted tests on Covid-19, will be evaluated based on symptoms.

In the school space, where only kindergarten students, staff and accompanying children enter, The use of a mask is mandatory from the 4th year, but recommended from the 1st.

In the event of suspected cases, the the school has prepared three isolation rooms to which cases will be referred by one of the three school nurses. In the event of a confirmed infection, Volker Dieudonné’s expectation is that the changes implemented and the safety rules prevent the complete closure of the establishment.

The doctor admitted, however, that the current context is associated with great unpredictability.

“Is almost impossible to predict and ensure that no one gets infected at schooltherefore, the maximum effort is really this, guaranteeing safety ”, he emphasized, adding that, from the point of view of mental health, it is also very important that students and teachers feel safe.

For Teresa Salgueiro Lenze, the reopening is especially exciting and the desire to welcome the students again and “fill the school with life and joy as always” has been a motivation.

The return of the students to school will be distributed between Tuesday and Wednesday, and at home only the students belonging to risk groups, who will continue to follow the online classes.

The next school year begins between September 14 and 17 for most schools, but in private education many begin to receive students on Tuesday, after a third period of distance due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
