COVID-19. The European Medicines Agency believes that the vaccine can be distributed from January


In an interview with the Italian newspaper The sun 24 hours, Guido Rasi stated that, “We will probably have more than one vaccine in 2021, up to six or seven.”, but at first “it won’t be for everyone.”

“Obviously not everyone can be vaccinated, but let’s start with the most exposed categories, such as the elderly and health professionals, trying to block the transmission bridges”.

However, the director of the European Medicines Agency said that “if the data is solid”, it can be given “a green light for the first vaccine before the end of the year and start distribution from January”.

Guido Rasi considers that it is necessary to vaccinate “more than half” of the European population to “be able to witness a pandemic decline”, which will require “at least 500 million doses in Europe”. Vaccinate everyone, “it will take at least a year” and “if all goes well by the end of 2021, we will have enough immunizations”added the director of the EMA.

“In Europe we are 450 million. I am not an expert in epidemiology, but if vaccines confirm high efficacy, like the one from Pfizer that claims to be 90 percent effective, then we could have good results when at least more than half of population to be vaccinated “, he began explaining. “That is, 250 million Europeans and more than 30 million Italians. This means that, to achieve a decrease in the pandemic, we will have to have at least 500 million doses in Europe and more than 60 million in Italy.”

The European Medicines Agency is responsible for the authorization and control of medicines in the European Union and the final green light, given by the European Commission, allows laboratories to market medicines throughout the EU.

The agency confirmed that “The first clinical data arrived from Pfizer for its vaccine”, on Friday, but there may be more than one vaccine available.

“We received preclinical data from Astrazeneca, animal tests that are already in the evaluation phase and we are still meeting with Moderna”Rasi assured.

However, with the vaccine available on the market in January, the first effects on the spread of the virus “It will be visible after five to six months, especially next summer.”He explained.

“It will be essential to monitor, as the EMA will do with the ECDC [Centro Europeu de Prevenção e Controlo das Doenças], for the next four or five years. The possible scenarios are different: the virus can be eradicated or it can mutate for the better or worse “.

Also, Rasi thinks that “The virus can become one of the components of the flu vaccine [comum] in the next years”.
