Covid-19: The essential points of the measures of the state of emergency – News


In these 121 municipalities, where there is a “high risk of transmission of covid-19”, which cover 70% of the resident population, that is, 7.1 million inhabitants in Portugal, including all the municipalities of the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto, The circulation will also be limited for the next two weekends between 1:00 p.m. on Saturday and 5:00 a.m. on Sunday and 1:00 p.m. on Sunday and 5:00 a.m. on Monday.

The executive also approved other measures that will be applied to mainland Portugal, such as the possibility of measuring body temperature by non-invasive means and the possibility of requiring diagnostic tests for covid-19.

Last week, the Government had already approved other measures to contain the covid-19 pandemic.

Continental Portugal

  • Groups in restaurants limited to six people, unless they belong to the same household.
  • Possibility of carrying out body temperature measurements by non-invasive means, at access to workplaces, educational establishments, means of transport, commercial, cultural and sports spaces.
  • In the event of refusal to measure body temperature or in cases where the body temperature is equal to or greater than 38º C, the impediment to access the mentioned places may be determined.
  • The measurement of body temperature does not affect the right to the protection of individual data.
  • Possibility of requiring diagnostic tests for covid-19 in health establishments, residential structures, educational establishments, at the entrance and exit of the national territory, by air or sea, in Penitentiary establishments and other places, by determination of the Directorate -Health general.
  • Possibility of requesting resources, means and health facilities from the private and social sector, after an agreement has been attempted and with fair compensation.
  • Mobilization of human resources to strengthen the tracking capacity, such as conducting epidemiological inquiries, contact tracing, tracking people under active surveillance, workers in prophylactic isolation, workers in risk groups, teachers without academic component, military personnel in the Armed forces .

High risk counties

There are 121 municipalities in continental Portugal that have been in partial confinement since last week, following the criterion of having “more than 240 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days” or due to the proximity to another municipality in this situation.

The list of municipalities will be updated every 15 days. The next review will take place on Thursday.

Medids for 121 counties (see here):

  • Duty to stay home, except for previously authorized travel group.
  • Commercial establishments close until 10:00 p.m.
  • Restaurants close at 10:30 p.m.
  • City mayors can set a closing time below the maximum limit, subject to a favorable opinion from the local health authority and security forces.
  • Events and celebrations with more than five people are prohibited, unless they belong to the same household.
  • The councilors decide to hold uprising fairs and markets.
  • Religious ceremonies and shows are allowed in accordance with the regulations of the General Directorate of Health.
  • Mandatory teleworking whenever the functions in question allow it, unless the employee is disabled.
  • Exceptional and transitory labor reorganization regime applicable to companies with jobs with 50 or more workers.
  • Prohibition of circulation on public roads between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. from Monday to Friday and weekends of November 14 and 15 and November 21 and 22 from 1:00 p.m. (exceptions are foreseen such as trips to work , return home, emergency situations or pets walking, among others).