Covid-19. The detailed situation of the new coronavirus in the country and in the world.


Here we follow the developments of the Covid-19 pandemic on an international scale.

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8:30 am – South Korea with 22 more infected and one dead

South Korea’s Center for Disease Prevention and Health revealed that in the last 24 hours, 22 more new cases of Covid-19 and another fatality have been reported.

Among the new cases, 11 were detected during the examination at the country’s airports and the rest in the Gyeongsang and Seoul provinces.

South Korea now has a total of 10,635 infected and 230 dead.

8:16 am – The Chinese economy has contracted the most since the 1970s

China suffered the worst economic contraction since the 1970s, in the first quarter of this year, after being paralyzed for almost two months, due to preventive measures to stop the Covid-19 epidemic.

The Chinese economy, the second largest in the world, contracted by 6.8 percent year-on-year, and the sharp drop in consumption and manufacturing activity suggests that the recovery will be longer and more difficult than anticipated.

8:14 am – Wuhan checks the numbers and adds another 1,290 dead and 325 infected

The Wuhan Center for Disease Prevention and Control has revised the death toll and Covid-19 infection upward, reveals China Daily.

The number of deaths in the city, where the outbreak began, was 3,869 and not 2,759, a difference of 1,290.

With this update, the number of deaths in China increased to 4,632.

Regarding the number of people infected with SARS-CoV-2, the newspaper reveals there were 325 more, bringing the number of cases to 50,333.

8:00 a.m.- China registers 11 new cases of local infection and 15 imported ones

China has registered 26 cases of infection with the new coronavirus in the last 24 hours, including 11 of local contagion, the country’s Health Commission said today.

This is a reduction in imported cases, after a significant increase in the past three days, among Chinese citizens who entered northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province from Russia.

Among the cases of local contagion, five were detected in the province of Guangdong, adjacent to Macao, in the southeast of the country, and the rest in the provinces of Heilongjiang, Shandong and Liaoning.

As of 11:59 p.m. Thursday (4:59 p.m. in Lisbon), there were no new deaths, 52 patients were discharged after overcoming the illness and six were no longer considered serious.

The country has thus reduced the number of “active” infected people to 1,081, including 89 in serious condition.

The total number of infected people diagnosed in China since the start of the pandemic is 82,367, including 3,342 deaths. So far, 77,944 people have been discharged.

7:48 am – What should change in the EU in the post pandemic?

After all, what should change in Europe? What must be essential to maintain? These are the questions that the correspondent of Antena 1 in Brussels, Andrea Neves, asked the political parties with European representation. Here are the answers.

7:40 am – United States. More than four thousand dead in 24 hours.

The United States recorded 4,491 deaths in the past 24 hours from Covid-19, bringing the total number of deaths in the country to approximately 33,000, Johns Hopkins University said.

This number, obtained until 1:30 am on Friday in Lisbon, may include deaths “likely related” to Covid-19, but which were not initially counted.

This week, New York City announced that it would add 3,778 deaths likely caused by the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) to the number of local deaths.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, a government agency), the country had 31,071 deaths at 9 p.m. Thursday in Lisbon, including 4,141 likely caused by Covid-19, slightly lower than advanced by Johns Hopkins University.

The United States is currently the country with the most deaths in the world, ahead of Italy (with 22,170 deaths), Spain (19,130) and France (17,920) and the United Kingdom (13,729 deaths). The first world power also identified around 667,800 cases.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced last night an economic and social “reopening” plan for the country, in phases and zones, and without a defined calendar.

6:50 am – State of play

The Government decides this Friday the set of measures for the new period of the state of emergency, approved yesterday in the Assembly of the Republic: they can be the same, identical, reduced or, in some cases, increased.The prolongation of the state of emergency. It was aproved
with votes in favor of PS, PSD, BE, CDS and PAN. Enough and the ENP
abstained Voted against the PCP, the Liberal Initiative and Joacine
Qatar Moreira.

These measures will be designed in the Council of Ministers on the basis of the decree of the President of the Republic.

There are another 15 days of a state of emergency, until May 2.

In a speech in the country, at 8:00 pm on Thursday, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa renewed the need to give the government time to gradually lift the restrictions.

The Head of State, however, appealed to the Portuguese to resist the temptation to facilitate.

In turn, in Parliament, the Prime Minister said he hoped this was the latest renewal of the state of emergency.
The photo in Portugal

According to data from the latest epidemiological bulletin, released on Thursday afternoon, 629 people died in the country. The total number of infected people amounts to 18,800.

Hospitalizations reached the highest level: 102 people were hospitalized in a single day.

The number of recoveries increased to 493.
The international framework
Worldwide, the Covid-19 pandemic, a respiratory disease caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, has already caused more than 141,000 deaths and infected more than 2.1 million people in 193 countries and territories.

More than 465,000 people have been cured.

In the United States, Donald Trump presented a plan called “Opening America Again.”

The US president’s strategy involves a progressive reopening of economic activities.

In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro yesterday fired the Minister of Health, orthopedist Luiz Henrique Mandetta. It was the culmination of successive disagreements on how to manage the progress of the pandemic.

The Brazilian president has always expressed his disagreement regarding the preventive isolation advocated by the minister.

The new holder of the portfolio, Nelson Teich, is an oncologist who defends the tests on a large scale.
