Covid-19. The detailed situation of the new coronavirus in the country and in the world.


Here we follow the advances in the new coronavirus pandemic on an international scale.

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9:26 – “We do not have the same conditions for all students”, warns FNE

João Dias da Silva, Secretary General of the National Federation of Education, stressed this Tuesday in Bom Dia Portugal that not all students have access to the necessary technological material to face a third period of classes at home.

“This type of relationship between teachers, school and students is necessarily insufficient, not even if all the students had a computer, nor if all the students had the internet,” emphasized the union leader.

9h11 – India extends period of state of emergency

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the state of emergency in the country will extend until May 3 in order to contain the new coronavirus pandemic.

However, Modi revealed that states that prevented the outbreak could reopen “essential activities.”

8:51 – A quarter of the Portuguese stopped using the health system

One in four Portuguese say they have stopped going to the health system due to the new coronavirus. A survey by the Catholic University for RTP and the newspaper. Audience reveals more data on days of confinement and state of emergency.

8h48 – Russia with a record growth in the number of infected

Russia has exceeded 20,000 cases of infection with the new coronavirus, with a record growth of 2,774 new cases since yesterday. The Coronavirus Response Center announced that in total there are 21,102 confirmed cases in the country.

There was also an increase in the number of deaths. Now there are 170 people who have died, an increase of 22 people.

8:41 am – “An absolutely atypical third period”

In an interview with Bom Dia Portugal, by video call, the general secretary of Fenprof stated that “schools have been doing their best” to face an exceptional situation like the current one.

“I am convinced that the schools, the teachers, the students and the families, which are fundamental in this process, will do the best they can, but nobody expects us to make it to the end of the year and that the result would be what we would have if everything had run normally “said Mário Nogueira, who anticipated a “complicated evaluation”.

8:32 am – French government predicts GDP will drop eight percent this year

The French government predicts an eight percent drop in gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020, announced Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire.

“We will have a growth forecast that will be set at -8% for the amended finance bill,” the minister said.

8h28 – Philippines increases the number of tests to find unknown cases

The Philippines has introduced a more aggressive approach to the testing program to dispatch covid-19 in the country. More tests will be done to find at least 15,000 unknown cases of the infection, in one of the countries in Asia that has taken more restrictive measures.

The Philippines reports nearly 5,000 infections that have killed 315 people.

7:19 AM – United States with more than 1509 dead in 24 hours

The United States counted 1509 deaths in 24 hours from the new coronavirus, a number almost identical to Sunday’s, Johns Hopkins University said.

The total number of deaths since the start of the pandemic in the country has increased to 23,529, with the United States being the nation most affected by Covid-19 respiratory disease, according to data Monday.

More than 550,000 people are infected, said the North American Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC).

Also on Monday, New York State, the center of the epidemic in the United States, broke the barrier of 10,000 deaths caused by Covid-19. State Governor Andrew Cuomo said “the worst is over,” noting that, for the first time in a week, the number of daily deaths has dropped to levels below 700.

For CDC Director Robert Redfield, the United States is “peaking” of the disease.

7:00 am – State of play

The third quarter of the academic year begins this Tuesday. All students will return to class from home.

From the first to the ninth year, online distance learning will be complemented by teleschool from 20 in RTP Memória.

The grid of the space #EstudoEmCasa is already known and will occupy part of the channel’s programming during the third period, from 9:00 a.m. at 5:50 p.m., with 30-minute classes for the different disciplines.

However, teachers want to be able to access the topics that will be covered in each topic, to prepare the work with the students.

For now, students have distance classes through the internet and digital platforms. The eventual return to schools of 11 and 12 year olds is still on the table.
The situation of the households.

There is an urgent request to the President of the Republic and the Government, by the National Confederation of Solidarity Institutions and the Portuguese Mercy Union, to remove users with Covid-19 from their homes.

In a statement, the two institutions warn of the repeated existence, in recent days, of dramatic situations of patients living in homes that do not have guaranteed basic medical care.
New DGS guide on skins

Health authorities now recommend that everyone wear a mask whenever they are in closed spaces frequented by many people, such as supermarkets, stores, pharmacies, and public transportation.The Order of Physicians considers that the masks will only be effective if they are compulsory.

This new guide indicates that wearing a mask should be seen as an additional measure of protection against social distance, hand hygiene, and respiratory etiquette.

However, the General Directorate of Health warns that so-called surgical masks should not be used, since they are needed by health professionals.
The photo in Portugal

Portugal registered 535 Covid-19 deaths on Monday, 31 more than on Sunday and 16,934 infected (349 more), according to the epidemiological bulletin of the General Directorate of Health.

The North region was still the one with the highest number of deaths (303), followed by the Center (123), the Lisbon Valley and the Tagus (96) and the Algarve, with nine deaths. There were four deaths recorded in the Azores.

There were 16,934 confirmed cases, 349 more than the previous day.

The vast majority of the 16,934 people infected with SARS-CoV-2, 16,747, were recovering at home. 1,187 people were hospitalized, of which 188 were in intensive care units.
The international framework

In France, the state of emergency was extended for another month. French President Emanuel Macron warned that the pandemic is far from being overcome.

On the other hand, Spain has begun to ease restrictions on the economy. Companies and industries that are not considered essential have resumed their activity.

In 24 hours, 517 people died in Spain with Covid-19. It was the second lowest value in almost three weeks.

The Covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 118,000 deaths and infected nearly 1.9 million people in 193 countries and territories.

The United States is the country with the highest number of deaths, 23,529 and infected, which are more than 570 thousand.

Europe, with more than 962,000 infected and around 80,000 dead, is the continent with the highest number of cases. Italy is the second country with the most fatalities, 20,465. There are more than 159,000 confirmed cases.
