Covid-19. The detailed situation of the new coronavirus in the country and in the world.



7:20 am – United States. Mike Pence isolated
United States Vice President Mike Pence decided to isolate himself after an assistant tested positive for the new coronavirus last week.

A US administration official said, quoted by the AP news agency, that Pence is voluntarily limiting his exposure and working from home. The vice president has repeatedly tested negative for Covid-19 since the exposure, but is still following the advice of medical authorities.The United States recorded 776 deaths caused
Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of employees to 79,522
deaths in the country, according to the Johns University count

Mike Pence’s decision comes after three members of the task force from the White House for the new coronavirus to be quarantined, after being in contact with the adviser, in this case Pence’s spokeswoman, Katie Miller.

Pence was informed of the assistant’s positive test on Friday morning, before leaving Washington for a day trip to Iowa.

One of the three members of the task force Of the new coronavirus that has been quarantined is Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and known for his simple and direct explanations of the coronavirus and the disease it causes, Covid-19.

Also in quarantine are Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Stephen Hahn.

Fauci tested negative for the new coronavirus.

Katie Miller is the second person working at the White House complex to be infected, but President Donald Trump has said he is not concerned. Katie is married to Stephen Miller, one of Trump’s top advisers.

6:44 am – State of play

The Association of Early Childhood Education Professionals is concerned about the conditions imposed by the Government for the reopening of nurseries.

In a statement, the association says conditions are inadequate.

The structure considers that maintaining a physical distance of two meters between each child and preventing them from interacting are measures that reveal ignorance about the reality of educational work with children under three years of age.

The government and health officials contend that the guide to re-opening day care centers is not yet a closed document.

Health CEO Graça Freitas says they are working on a desirable and possible balance.
Self-monitoring passengers

A passenger on a bus connecting Lisbon-France tested positive.

The man felt ill on Saturday night and was treated in the Bragança Hospital emergency room. You will be transferred to the hospital in your area of ​​residence.

The bus driver was also tested, but the result was negative.

The remaining 19 passengers returned to Lisbon and will be on their own surveillance.
The photo in Portugal

In Portugal, the number of fatalities of Covid-19 reached 1135. There are 27,581 infected and 797 people hospitalized, of which 112 are in intensive care units.

2549 people have already recovered.

The General Directorate of Health and the Government update the data again with a new epidemiological bulletin at lunchtime.

Despite the personal cancellation of the Fatima celebrations, there are pilgrims on foot on the way to the sanctuary.

Along the way, RTP encountered some believers who ignored the appeal of civil authorities and the Catholic Church itself.
The international framework

On an international scale, according to the daily balance of France Presse, the Covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 280,000 deaths and infected more than four million people in 195 countries and territories.

More than 1.3 million patients have been cured.The UK takes over some industries and the
construction this week. The plan announced by the prime minister
Boris Johnson
foresees the reopening of stores and the return of education
preschool in June.

In France, deflation begins now. Millions of French leave home and resume work.

Most measures to restrict circulation end this Monday. Isolation was imposed on March 17 and the French economy was virtually paralyzed for two months.

On Sunday, on French soil, 70 patients died with Covid-19. It is the lowest number since the beginning of the compulsory closure.

The new coronavirus killed more than 26,000 people in France, in one of the most serious changes in the pandemic worldwide.

Belgium is also at the top of the list of countries in the world with the highest number of deaths per million inhabitants.

Spain recorded the lowest number of daily deaths from Covid-19 yesterday in almost two months. And this Monday half of the Spanish enter the next phase of deflation.

In Italy, dozens of people took advantage of the good weather during the weekend and, ignoring the prohibitions, went to the beach.
