Covid-19. The detailed situation of the new coronavirus in the country and in the world.


Here we follow the advances in the new coronavirus pandemic on an international scale.

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12:19 pm – 60 million jobs at risk in Europe

The same study warns that the unemployment rate in the European Union could rise from around six percent to over 11 percent and remain high for years if the disease is not controlled soon.

12h09 – Telescola has already started for 850 thousand primary students

Half-hour classes air between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and they can be seen on television, via DTT, RTP Memória or online at RTP Play.

This morning, the Minister of Education visited the RTP study where
recorded the classes and said that families are accepting well the

“The feedback is very positive. We have received very good comments.
Many families at home with their little ones to accompany the
#EstudoemCasa ”, stressed Tiago Brandão Rodrigues.

For the government official, the response of the educational system to this pandemic has
“Robust and with a very positive intervention by the
teachers and educational communities. And with positive interaction.
for families. ”

“Families who often have to combine teleworking, so complex with the work of the little ones.”

“No one was prepared. There was no warning for this outbreak.
epidemiológica And we are trying to give the best answer ”, he emphasized.

According to the official, “#EstudoemCasa, through RTP Memória reaches
A response to students who cannot pay
telematics, ends up complementing ”.

11:49 am – WHO and UNICEF request maintenance of vaccination programs

The WHO and UNICEF warned on Monday about the importance of national governments adhering to vaccination plans to avoid a greater impact of the pandemic.

The two organizations reiterate that maintaining routine immunization services during the Covid-19 pandemic is vital, and recall that the current situation “is a sign that infectious diseases know no borders.”

11h02 – 9.6% more unemployed in March compared to February

The Employment Institute (IEFP) published monthly employment statistics for March.

The data shows that in March there were 321,164 registered unemployed in the continent, 3.7% more in the year-on-year comparison and 9.6% more than in February, when there were 293 thousand unemployed. These are data only for the continent.

There are 343,761 registered unemployed in the country (including the autonomous regions): 3% more in the same comparison (+9,985 people) and 8.9% more than in February (+28,199 people).

There are 131,429 long-term unemployed: 9.3% less year-on-year (-13,455 people) and 4.5% more compared to the previous month (+5,638 people).

10:43 – There is still no decision on the nurseries

Tiago Brandão Rodrigues, Minister of Education, guaranteed that specialists will not make any decision without security guarantees.

The government official clarified that a decision has not yet been made and that it is still time to continue listening to the technicians. At the end of next week there will be a new meeting with technicians and specialists.

The minister was present on the first day of the telescope at RTP Memória. He considered this project to be a “complement” to the connection between teachers and students.

Tiago Brandão Rodrigues emphasizes that schools have been doing “remarkable work” and that the purpose of the telescope is “not to be left behind.”

10:28 – 399 dead in Spain

The death toll in Spain has been further reduced. 399 people died in the last 24 hours.

Since the start of the pandemic, 20,852 people have died in Spain and there have been 200,210 cases of infection.

10:04 am – Costa will listen to other religious confessions

The Prime Minister met this morning with the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon to prepare the lifting of limitations on religious celebrations. António Costa will also speak with other religious denominations.

The head of government explains that the limitations were only imposed during the state of emergency. No decision was made today, the Prime Minister listened only to the cardinal patriarch to understand how the Catholic Church plans to resume religious celebrations with the faithful.

Costa recognized that May is a month of great importance for the Catholic Church in Portugal, but he also promised to speak with other religious denominations, that is, with the Islamic community, taking into account the proximity of Ramadan.

The Prime Minister also commented on the controversy of the April 25 celebrations. António Costa emphasized that the Assembly of the Republic has had far fewer people than usual and that the Council of Ministers has also taken place. “Democracy is not suspended,” he stressed.

9:22 – There are 138 positive cases in the hostel in Lisbon

Of the 175 tests carried out, 138 positive cases of Covid-19 have already been registered at the Lisbon shelter, where 181 immigrants were present. There are still six inconclusive and 31 negative results.

The site was evacuated on Sunday and tests are underway at the Lisbon Mosque.

9:00 am – The telescope begins

It is a form of teaching that complements the third period classes that are taught by videoconference due to the pandemic.

These classes will be daily from Monday to Friday and will have content aimed at different years of schooling. Remember the class grid here.

8:07 am – Almost 2,000 dead in the US USA

In the last 24 hours, USA USA It has recorded 1,997 deaths from Covid-19. The country has recorded a total of 40,661 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

The number of infected people has already exceeded 759,000 since the start of the epidemic in the country, according to the Johns Hopkins University count.

Situation in Portugal

There are already 99 positive cases of Covid-19 infection in a hostel in Lisbon, on Rua Morais Soares. There were 181 guests at the shelter, all of them migrants. They were removed from the site on Sunday morning, taken to the Lisbon mosque for examination. It remains to know the result of some 70 tests.

In Madeira, the parish of Câmara de Lobos, located in the municipality of the same name, registered another 16 positive cases of covid-19 this Sunday, giving a total of 26 people infected with the coronavirus in this parish.

According to the regional secretary of Health and Civil Protection of Madeira, Pedro Ramos, in the next few days there will be another 300 tests.

Portugal has overcome the barrier of the twenty thousand infected with the new coronavirus. There are more than 521 new infections, or 2.7 percent more. Despite this, if we look at the comparative curve between yesterday and today, there is a decrease in confirmed cases. The death toll has increased to 714, 27 more since the previous record.

The telescope begins

This Monday, more than 850 thousand basic education students will have the support of the telescope. Starting today and during the third period with television support classes, they will learn from distance teachers due to the covid-19 pandemic.

The new telescope begins with a Portuguese lesson.

Between 9:00 a.m. M. And 5:30 p. M., More than a hundred teachers will “enter” the students’ homes.

There are 112 teachers from six public schools, two private and cyber schools, within the scope of the #Estudo Em Casa program, a complementary set of educational resources, created by the Ministry of Education, which today begins to be broadcast daily by RTP Memória.

Classes begin at 9:00 for the little ones and end at 17:30 after the subjects taught to the ninth grade students. The schedule is available at

Since March 16, all educational establishments have been closed.

Limitations of religious celebrations.

Today, too, the Prime Minister will meet with the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, Manuel Clemente, to “prepare for the lifting of limitations on religious celebrations.”

According to a source from the Prime Minister’s Office, António Costa requested to be received by Manuel Clemente, so the meeting takes place at the Olivais Seminary at 9:00 am, to prepare for the lifting of limitations on religious celebrations. .

On March 13, even before a state of emergency was declared in Portugal, the Portuguese Episcopal Conference decided to suspend masses, catechesis and other acts of worship until the current health crisis is overcome.

Starting today, hospitals will resume consultations on surgeries and diagnostic tests that have been postponed for more than a month due to the coronavirus. Hospitals have only attended to urgent cases and are now gradually starting to resume these medical acts.

In March, there were fewer than 9,000 surgeries and 180,000 fewer consultations due to the pandemic crisis.
