Covid-19. The detailed situation of the new coronavirus in the country and in the world.


Here we follow the advances in the new coronavirus pandemic on an international scale.

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8:48 am – New numbers from Germany

The number of confirmed cases of infection with the new coronavirus in Germany increased by 2,458 to 139,897, according to known official data this morning.

It is a less expressive increase than the one released on Saturday: 3,069.

The number of deaths increased from 184 to 4,294, an evolution that also reflects a decrease compared to the increases of the previous two days: 242 on Saturday and 299 on Friday.

7h58 – The image in the far east

Japan recorded 568 new cases of covid-19 on Saturday, bringing the total number of infected people to 10,361 in the country since the start of the epidemic.

With the 712 cases of the disease detected on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which was quarantined earlier this year, in the port of Yokohama, south of Tokyo, the country has so far registered 11,073 patients.

According to data published on the Johns Hopkins University website, Japan reported 222 deaths.


China has registered 16 new cases of covid-19 in the past 24 hours, including seven by local contagion, the country’s Health Commission said.

The Asian country thus maintains the downward trend in the number of infected people, after a significant increase at the beginning of the week, mainly from imported cases, mainly Chinese citizens who entered Heilongjiang province, in northeast China, from Russia.

Among the cases of local contagion, six were detected in Heilongjiang and one in Guangdong province, adjacent to Macao.

Until 11:59 p.m. Saturday (4:59 p.m. in Lisbon), there were no new deaths. The country thus reduced the number of “active” infected people to 1,041, including 85 in serious condition.

The total number of infected people diagnosed in China since the start of the pandemic is 82,735, including 4,632 deaths. So far, 77,029 people have been discharged.

South Korea

South Korea has registered eight new cases of Covid-19 in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of infected people to 10,661 in the country.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in South Korea, the country has so far recorded 234 deaths.

Of the 10,661 infected since the start of the epidemic, 8,042 have recovered, while 12,243 await test results to determine if they contracted Covid-19, the agency said.

The number of infections has declined in South Korea, which recorded hundreds of new cases daily from late February to early March, mainly in Daegu and neighboring areas in the south-west of the country.

Despite this decline, South Korean officials have warned of the possibility of “silent contagion.”

7:38 am – United States with 1891 dead in 24 hours

The United States recorded 1,891 deaths from covid-19 in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of deaths in the country to 38,664, the Johns Hopkins University announced.

The number of infected people is already 732,197, since the beginning of the epidemic, added those responsible for the university, located in Baltimore (east coast). On Friday, the same source accounted for 700,282 cases of contagion.

The United States currently has the highest number of patients and deaths due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

7:30 am – State of play

The Madeira health authorities have presented the first health fence in the Autonomous Region in the context of a pandemic. There is a focus of contagion in the parish of Câmara de Lobos: in 24 hours the number of new cases in Covid-19 doubled.

The measure began to take effect at 12:00 am on Sunday.

The President of the Regional Government, Miguel Albuquerque, explained that the sanitary fence in that parish, in the municipality of the same name, will be extended for a period of 15 days.

This possibility had begun to arise on Saturday afternoon, after the registration of ten new positive cases in the municipality, while another 40 people awaited the results of the laboratory tests.Of the 64 Covid-19 cases registered in the Madeira archipelago, since March 16, nine were considered recovered.

The decision, said Miguel Albuquerque, was made in consultation with the health authority of Câmara de Lobos, with the opinion of the Regional Health Authority, the agreement of the mayor and the assent of the representative of the Republic.

“The parish of Câmara de Lobos is in a potential epidemiological situation for advanced local transmission, with a high risk of the appearance of transmission chains, both locally and regionally,” said the official.

The Regional Government Resolution determines that, with the exception of PIZO – Parque Industrial da Zona Oeste, “the entry and exit of people and vehicles in the parish of Câmara de Lobos are subject to the exceptions contained therein.”

“While the sanitary fence is in the parish of Câmara de Lobos, the movement and permanence of people on public roads is prohibited, except for necessary and urgent trips, that is, for the sale and purchase of food and pharmaceutical products, access to health care units, access to the workplace located in the parish of Câmara de Lobos, assistance for the care of the elderly, minors, dependents and other especially vulnerable people. ”

The closure of all national, regional or municipal public services is also imposed, except for health centers, security forces, relief services, communications and the supply of water and energy, finances and the City Council.

The document also imposes the closure of commercial establishments, except those in the food sector, pharmacies, banks, fuel service stations and others that may be specified in a resolution of the Governing Council.

The regional secretary of Health, Pedro Ramos, stressed that the isolation and confinement must be strict: “This sanitary fence is due to the fact that we feel that this parish did not comply scrupulously and, therefore, we have the possibility of the unusual appearance of cases positive. ” .
Infected children in Santo Tirso
Four children, ages four to ten, tested positive for Covid-19. They live in the Renascer Temporary Reception Center, in Santo Tirso.

The four minors have been transferred to the local Red Cross Delegation.

In the Temporary Reception Center there are 20 children; the majority had negative test results.

The 25 employees of the institution were also evaluated: 23 were negative and three are waiting for the result.
The photo in Portugal

The country yesterday registered 687 deaths associated with Covid-19, 30 more than on Friday and 19,685 infected (663 more), according to the epidemiological bulletin published by the General Directorate of Health.Marta Temido reiterated that the available data
let us estimate that the peak of the pandemic on Portuguese soil may have
it happened in late March.

Compared to Friday’s figures, there was a 4.6 percent increase in deaths.

Looking at the number of confirmed cases of infection with the new coronavirus, the data revealed 663 more cases than on Friday, resulting in a 3.5 percent increase.

The northern region has the highest number of fatalities (393), followed by the Center (157), the Lisbon region and the Tagus Valley (124), the Algarve (nine) and the Azores (four).

At the Saturday afternoon press conference, the Health Minister said consultations, surgeries and other non-urgent care activities, suspended in March due to the pandemic, will progressively resume at the “end of next week”.
The international framework
In Spain, the President of the Government will request the extension of the state of emergency until May 9. Pedro Sanchéz is preparing, however, to facilitate the imprisonment of minors.

In the UK, the number of deaths from Covid-19 exceeded 15,000. Almost 900 people died in hospitals in the country and there are increasing complaints from health professionals about the lack of protective equipment.

The United States remains the leader in the number of Covid-19 cases: nearly 707,000 are infected.Globally, the Covid-19 pandemic has already done more
157 thousand dead and infected more than 2.2 million people in 193
countries and territories More than 502 thousand patients were considered.

It is also among Americans with the highest number of deaths. The 37 thousand have already been exceeded. In New York State alone, more than 13,000 people died.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Florida decided to lift restrictions on access to some beaches and natural parks.

Many supporters of Donald Trump are protesting on the street and calling for the immediate reopening of the economy after calls from the President.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro returned, in turn, to ask Brazilians not to “run away” from the new coronavirus, launching a new tirade against measures to contain the pandemic. This was during a public demonstration in Brasilia.

“We cannot escape this virus, we must face it with our heads held high, God is with us,” Bolsonaro yelled, before supporters gathered near the presidential palace.

The Brazilian president once again criticized the governors and mayors who defend social moderation and distance, as well as Congress and the press.
