Covid-19. Some players’ dissatisfaction forced the FPF emergency meeting | Coronavirus


Fernando Gomes, president of the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF), called a meeting of the emergency committee this Monday morning, a group created by the president of the FPF to monitor how covid-19 is influencing the return to competition. of the I league.

The reasons for this decision by the federative leader are related to the public expressions of discomfort of some players (Danilo, Zé Luís and Tiquinho Soares of FC Porto and Francisco Geraldes, of Sporting) in relation to the first point of the Code of Conduct presented by the Board -General of Health (DGS) and that must be met for the return of competition to Portuguese lawns.

Now, the document begins by stating that “FPF, Liga Portugal, the clubs that participate in the NOS League and athletes assume, at all stages of competitions and training, the existing risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 and COVID – 19, as well as responsibility for all possible clinical consequences of the disease and the risk to public health. “

Given the reactions of discontent on the part of the athletes, Fernando Gomes decided to proceed to this emergency meeting and which included, in addition to his own participation, that of Pedro Proença (president of the League of clubs), Joaquim Evangelista (president of the Union Players), José Pereira (president of the Coaches Association), Luciano Gonçalves (president of the Referees Association), João Pedro Mendonça (president of the Association of Soccer Doctors) and Rui Marote (representative of the soccer associations of the district).

The purpose of the meeting was to help clarify any doubts that the document issued by DGS might have caused. To this end, Adalberto Campos Fernandes, doctor and former Minister of Health, was invited to be present, who was recruited by the FPF to join the team of specialists constituted by the federation and whose mission is precisely to study the best and safest way of return from football.

According to what PUBLIC learned, Adalberto Campos Fernandes explained the document and dispelled the doubts raised by the participants, and the initiative will have contributed to calm the controversy that threatened to begin to arise.
