Covid-19: several homes in Bragança affected by new outbreaks


From Wednesday to Thursday, the district of Bragança registered 88 new cases of the new coronavirus, but again had more recovered (117), on a day when outbreaks were reported in several homes in Bragança.

The latest bulletin from the health authorities, which reports on the epidemiological situation until three in the afternoon this Thursday, indicates that another death associated with covid-19 is officially confirmed, without revealing the province where it was registered. However, according to the Messenger, in recent days there have been several deaths in the district associated with covid-19, specifically of a man, a user of the home care service in Salsas (Bragança), who had recently undergone an intervention surgery at the Bragança hospital, and at the Padre Miguel Obra Social (Bragança), of a patient who suffered from respiratory failure and died in the hospital.

In the Obra Social, however, an outbreak was reported, which has 28 people and infected users.
“We have been strictly complying with Public Health instructions. Those infected are isolated and asymptomatic ”, stressed the president of the institution, Manuel Pereira.

In the Palácio da Sabedoria, a private home in Bragança, several positive cases have also been identified, as well as in the house in the town of Outeiro, which already has 45 cases (35 of the 52 elderly and 10 of the 27 employees of the home from the San Cristo Social and Parish Center).

The report also does not specify where the new or recovered cases occurred, revealing only the still active cases of the disease spread across the 12 counties.

From what we can tell, the municipality of Mirandela registered 4 new cases of contagion in the last 24 hours, but it also saw 19 patients recover, so, from yesterday to today, it registered a decrease of 15 cases that are still active.

In the rest of the counties, we can only anticipate the differences of the cases still active, compared to yesterday.

Thus, only four municipalities in the district registered more new cases of contagion than those recovered and therefore increased the number of active cases. Bragança has 30 more active than yesterday, Vimioso has 10 more and Vila Flor and Mogadouro have 1 more.

The remaining 8 counties registered more recovered cases than new ones and, therefore, the number of still active cases decreased: from yesterday to today, Macedo de Cavaleiros has 24 less active cases.

Miranda do Douro is less than 18 years old. Torre de Moncorvo minus 6. Freixo de Espada à Cinta and Alfândega da Fé registered a decrease of 4 active cases. You were minus 3.

Carrazeda de Ansiães, for its part, had a reduction of 1 case, which makes it the only municipality in the district without any active case of the disease.

So far, the district has had a total of 4,053 confirmed cases. 3,333 people are recovered and 75 deaths are lamented.
There are still 645 active cases spread across 11 counties.

Check the cases including some parishes with the highest incidence.

BRAGANÇA 281 (37 in Outeiro and 27 in Millón)
VIMIOSO 88 (62 in Argozelo)
MIRANDELA 84 (4 in Abreiro and Vale Telhas)
MACEDO 50 (15 in Vale Prados)
MONCORVO 35 (13 grinding wheels of 3m)
MIRANDA 26 (7 in two churches)
VINHAIS 25 (6 in Moimenta and Rebordelo)
