Covid-19 | School in Abrantes registers only case of contagion in the Middle Tagus in the last 24 hours


The class at Colegio Dr. Solano de Abreu, in Abrantes, is confined. Credits:

The Agrupación de Centros de Salud (ACES) del Tejo Medio registered the only case of covid-19 in the last 24 hours in a secondary school in Abrantes. The director of the Abrantes School Group No. 1, Jorge Costa, confirmed to that a student from the Solano de Abreu High School tested positive for covid-19. But the school will not be closed, the principal explained. This Wednesday “the class will enter the classroom.” In lockdown, “all students in the class will be tested and if none test positive, the class will return to face-to-face classes on Monday.”


Also the teachers who were in contact with the students of that class “will be evaluated but the Health authorities understand that there is no need for confinement, because there is no close contact, as such, they remain in the school. There is also no close contact with the employees, ”added the official.

In the 11 counties of ACES Médio Tejo, with a total of 816 confirmed cases (+1), Ourém has 196 positive cases, Tomar 176, Entroncamento 165, Torres Novas 94, Abrantes 79, Mação 42, Alcanena 29, Vila Nova da Barquinha now it has 15, Ferreira do Zêzere 9 and Constância 7. Sardoal has 4 confirmed cases.

At ACES Médio Tejo, Torres Novas currently has 42 people under active surveillance, followed by Entroncamento (38), Tomar (36), Ourém (34), Alcanena (24), Abrantes (15), Constância (8), Vila Nova da Barquinha (5), Sardoal (2), Mação and Ferreira do Zêzere (1).

This ACES today registers a cumulative 816 infected people, 490 recovered (+3), 206 people under active surveillance (+6) and 22 deaths.

At ACES in Pinhal Interior Sul, Vila de Rei has had a case of infection since the beginning of the pandemic. Sertã has a cumulative total of 36 confirmed cases, of which 12 are recovering from the disease and 24 cases remain active.

With about 250 thousand inhabitants, the 13 municipalities of the Middle Tagus today add a total of 853 confirmed cases of contagion by the new coronavirus (816 in ACES Médio Tejo and 37 in ACES Pinhal Interior Sul), 503 people recovered (490 in ACES Médio Tejo, 12 in Sertã and 1 in Vila de Rei) and 22 deaths.

In the 13 municipalities of the Middle Tagus, 694 cases of contagion were registered in the post-confinement period, 545 more than those reported in the initial phase of containment of the disease.

In Alto Alentejo, Gavião registered the only nine cases of covid-19 in August. Ponte de Sor has a cumulative total of 25 positive cases. At least five of the cases refer to people who do not reside in the municipality and who have not updated their tax residence, so the municipality only refers to the occurrence of 20 cases.

Lezíria do Tejo, in turn, has a cumulative total of 1,225 patients, of which 482 cases in the municipality of Santarém, according to data from the Regional Network. Chamusca has a total of 35 confirmed cases (+1), including one death, and Golegã records 37 infections (+2). The Lezíria region has 38 dead, 24 of them in Santarém.

The Santarém district has a cumulative total of 2,041 cases (1,225 in Lezíria do Tejo and 816 in ACES Médio Tejo), and a total of 60 deaths (38 in Lezíria and 22 in ACES Médio Tejo). Lezíria do Tejo has a total of 933 recovered patients and ACES Médio Tejo has 490, which gives a total of 1423 people recovered from the virus.

Portugal with 16 more deaths and 1,208 new cases in the last 24 hours

To date, Portugal counts 16 more deaths related to covid-19 and 1,208 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

Since the start of the pandemic, Portugal has registered 2,110 deaths and 89,121 cases of infection, with 32,964 active cases, 643 more than on Monday.

The DGS indicates that of the 16 deaths registered, 10 occurred in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, five in the North and one in the Center.

Regarding hospital admissions, the bulletin reveals that in the last 24 hours there are 39 more people hospitalized, totaling 916, of which 132 are in intensive care (four more compared to Monday).

Health authorities have 50,291 contacts under surveillance, more than 1,447 compared to Monday.

In the last 24 hours, 549 patients were recovered, totaling 54,047 since the start of the pandemic.

c / LUSA


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