Covid-19. Restoration requests TSU exemption this year and 6% VAT until the end of 2021


We need help! We are 240 thousand people in catering in Portugal. TSU exemption until the end of 2020. 6% VAT until the end of 2021“, Says the appeal that several ‘chefs’ launched today, in the late afternoon, on social networks, asking for support for the restaurant sector, affected by the covid-19 pandemic.

Jose Avillez, in front of a group with several restaurants in Portugal and one in Dubai, wrote: “We want to open it again. We want to continue cooking and caring. We want to believe that one day things will be as they were. We want to show what Portugal has to offer, as we have done in recent years. We want to be the meeting point for Portuguese and foreigners, families and friends.

“We are cooks, we are restaurateurs. We are the smile and the flavor of Portugal. We want to continue working hard, without fear of investing in our city and in our country, “said the” chef “of the” Belcanto “(in Lisbon, two Michelin stars and number 42 on the list of the 50 best restaurants in the world).

Ljubomir Stanisic, “Chef” of “100 Maneiras” and “Bistro 100 Maneiras”, explained the purpose of the appeal: “We don’t want to fight. We do not want to oppose. We do not want to politicize. We don’t want to go against the current, but we help to row in favor

“We want to feed ourselves. For us, ours, others. Feed the country, the economy, the happiness index. (…) Even at a distance, we want to hug with our eyes, kiss with smiles. We want to overcome the pandemic with the strength of the union, “said the chef, through Instagram.

Alexandre Silva, “chef” of three restaurants in Lisbon, including “Loco” (one Michelin star), stated: “We want to return to providing the Portuguese culinary experience to all Portuguese and those who visit us. We need to continue!

A repeated call from “chefs” from the north to the south of the country, which goes beyond the Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Similarities of Portugal (AHRESP), which proposed the temporary application of the reduced rate of VAT to food services and drinks. , to stimulate the resumption of activity and save jobs, and defended that the cameras should exempt establishments from any payment for terrace.

Under the government’s Non-Definition Plan, restaurants and cafes may reopen starting May 18, but in accordance with restrictions imposed in the context of mitigating the spread of the covid-19 pandemic.

In the case of restaurants, the capacity limit is 50%, with operation until 11 at night and specific conditions.
