Covid-19: Portugal with 89 more dead and 4,602 infected


Portugal registered 89 additional deaths and 4,602 infected by covid-19 in the last 24 hours, according to data from the General Directorate of Health.

The death toll rose again after three days below 80 and is the highest in the last nine days.

In total, there have been 6,343 deaths and 383,258 infections since the new coronavirus pandemic.

The number of hospitalized patients has fallen again: there are now 105 fewer hospitalizations, out of a total of 2,990. There are three more people in ICU (intensive care), 511 in total.

3,621 people recovered from the disease on the last day, but there was an increase in active cases in the country: there are now 68,469, less 892 in 24 hours.

The North region was the one that registered the most new positive cases, with 1,811, and had 32 deaths. Lisbon and the Tagus Valley represent the highest number of deaths in 24 hours (40) and have more than 1467 infected.

In the Central region there are more than 791 cases and 14 deaths, in Alentejo there are 322 more infected and three deaths, in the Algarve there are 151 more cases and there were no deaths. In the Azores there are 22 more new cases and in Madeira 38.
