COVID-19. Portugal will have the capacity to administer 150 thousand vaccines a day


The country has the capacity for a very high vaccination rate and we are going to do it, so there are vaccines for that.“Said Henrique Gouveia e Melo, estimating that the country, using the maximum capacity, can manage”between 100 and 150 thousand vaccinations per day, in normal periods and on weekends, twice as”.

At a time when the vaccination rate is around “22 thousand vaccinations a day”, the person in charge of the plan predicts that, in the second quarter of the year, “if the vaccines that are contracted come and it is believed that they will arrive, the rate will increase to around 80 to 81 thousand vaccines per day”.

Gouveia e Melo also stated, in an interview with TVI, that Portugal currently has 910 ready-to-work vaccination posts in health centers, a number that could be expanded to 1,200 posts.

It is, according to the coordinator of the vaccination plan, who succeeded Francisco Ramos in office, “a network that reaches the Portuguese population in a very capillary way, spreads throughout the national territory” and “ready to work.”

With the increase in the number of vaccines, in the second quarter of the year, admits the need to find “solutions” such as “mass vaccination posts, extend periods on weekends or use other agents that can vaccinate, such as pharmacies”.

The vice admiral who wants to reach the period with the highest vaccination capacity “without improvisation”, also assured that the workgroup vaccination will continue to “close the norm” to prevent new cases of abusive vaccination.

Of every thousand vaccines that were administered there was one of which we are not sure if it complied with the regulations“He affirmed, stressing that” it is necessary to have an idea of ​​this proportion. “

In Portugal, 503 thousand vaccines have already been received, 43 thousand of which went to Madeira and the Azores and 460 thousand remained on the continent.

Of these 460,000 in the continent, 400,000 vaccines have already been administered, of which 60,000 are in reserve.

“It won’t be a normal summer”

The vice admiral was clear and left a warning for the next few months: “It won’t be a normal summer“.

Asked about the possibility of the Portuguese population being fully vaccinated at Christmas, Gouveia e Melo warned that everything depends on the doses the country receives and that this is a very large “yes”.

It will not be a normal summer. At that time there will still be no group immunity. At Christmas yes, but the vaccines have to arrive on time “.

DGS adapts the rule to combat improper vaccination

Regarding the controversies that threaten the vaccination plan against Covid-19, the coordinator clarified that the leftovers must be applied according to the established priorities.

DGS made a rule that it considered sufficient“explained Gouveia e Melo.

Asked if there was “naivety” gives workgroup, the coordinator said that “it was assumed that we are talking to good people and dealing with good people“.

Even with good people, there are abuses, “he admitted, adding that” these abuses undermine confidence. “

c / The day after tomorrow
