COVID-19. Portugal in a state of contingency until October 14


The resolution declaring the contingency situation went into effect at 00:00 hours on September 15 and was in effect until 11:50 hours on Tuesday. On September 24, the Council of Ministers decided that the situation, with the establishment of rules for the individual and collective protection of citizens, would continue until October 14.

Among the measures applied is the limitation of concentrations to 10 people, unless they belong to the same household, on public roads and in establishments and the prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages in service areas or service stations.

The extension of the state of contingency also implies the prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages, after 8:00 pm, in retail stores, including supermarkets and hypermarkets and the prohibition of the consumption of alcoholic beverages in outdoor spaces of restaurants and beverage establishments in the after 8 pm, except in the context of food service.

By virtue of this resolution, the President of the Territorially Competent Municipal Council is, as a general rule, empowered to set the opening hours of the establishments in the respective geographic area, although within certain limits – from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. – and subject to a favorable opinion of the authority. Health and security forces.

In restaurants, cafes and pastry shops 300m from schools, there is a maximum limit of four people per group, unless they belong to the same household and in the restaurant areas of shopping centers there is the same maximum limit of four people per group.

The Government also determined the creation of district rapid intervention teams to contain and stabilize covid-19 outbreaks in homes and the establishment of specific rules for the organization of work in the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto, determining the obligation to adopt measures to prevent and mitigate the risks derived from the pandemic, such as the worker rotation scales between the teleworking regime and work performed in the usual workplace, and the time difference.

In Portugal, 1,963 people died from 74,717 confirmed cases of infection, according to the most recent bulletin from the Directorate General of Health.
