Covid-19 pneumonia can be silent


Among people affected by Covid-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus, 80% have mild conditions. However, the other 20% need hospitalization, as they develop moderate or severe symptoms, according to experts.

The pulmonologist Patrícia Canto, from the National School of Public Health of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) explains that Covid-19, in its most severe form, is a systemic disease that can affect various organs. “The most common condition is pneumonia but there are reports of heart conditions and kidney failure, “he says. “When people hospitalize the patient, it is possible to observe various consequences and even blood clotting,” he adds.

Pneumonia is an infection that affects the lungs and can have various causes, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. In patients with Covid-19, it is a consequence of the injury caused by the new coronavirus in the lungs or the exaggerated response of the body’s immune system to the virus.

This phenomenon is called “immune storm”. “Many substances are produced. They cause inflammation that occurs in the bronchi, lungs, and pulmonary alveoli,” Elie Fiss, a pulmonologist at Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz, explained in an interview with R7. According to him, such substances occupy the spaces between the alveoli and the blood. Therefore, oxygen cannot pass, and people generally have difficulty breathing.

Advanced injury, but few symptoms.

However, in their daily experiences, professionals have observed people who do not complain of shortness of breath, even with advanced conditions of pneumonia and below normal blood oxygen levels, which would be between 95% and 99%.

The acceptable minimum to maintain healthy body cells is 89%, according to the Brazilian Society of Pulmonology and Tisiology.

Patricia mentions different patient profiles: “Sometimes when he comes to the emergency, he already has an advanced disability, with many (lung) injuries, but few symptoms. Or, he has several symptoms, but the image (of the exam) does not show me I would assume that severity, “he compares.

Fiss agrees, noting that patients with few symptoms are the ones he has seen most often. “But then I do the CT scan and I have pneumonia,” he says. According to him, the individual may manifest only secondary symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, softness and cough, but there is already a small degree of lung involvement.

The body compensates for the lack of oxygen.

Patrícia explains that when there is a drop in blood oxygenation, the body compensates for this lack by increasing the respiratory rate. “So the patient tolerates this difficulty breathing better. But this is not conscious,” he describes.

Fiss adds that the perception of shortness of breath is very subjective. “Sometimes the patient is sitting down and does not realize it, but when he gets up and goes to the bathroom, he feels short of breath,” he exemplifies. “If the person takes a shower and has difficulty breathing or sweeps the house and feels tired, that is a warning sign,” adds Patrícia.

The expert advises people to seek medical attention if they have respiratory symptoms and notice that they are not improving, in addition to high fever – higher than 38.5 ° C – and persistent.

“But if you have trouble breathing, go to the doctor right away,” he emphasizes. “People who have comorbidities [diabetes, hipertensão] They need to go if they find that the disease has worsened. If the older person starts to feel sleepy and bedridden, they should also see the doctor, “he advises.

How to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus

According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, there are at least five measures that help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus:

• wash your hands with soap and water or use alcohol gel.

• Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough.

• avoid crowding if you are sick.

• keep rooms well ventilated.

• do not share personal items
