COVID-19. Pharmacists Chairman Says Authorities Speak Irresponsibly About Vaccines: Observer


The president of the Ordem dos Farmacêuticos considered this Wednesday that the Portuguese health authorities talking irresponsibly about possible vaccinations for Covid-19, valuing them without any strategy for their application.

Speaking at the National Health Convention, Ana Paula Martins affirmed that “the process [de descoberta e aplicação de uma vacina] is it so complex that it is completely frivolous to make considerations about the distribution of the vaccine without knowing exactly which are the first to reach the market, what are the cooling conditions to maintain them and which are the primary groups to be vaccinated.

For this reason, he declared that it is “irresponsible to use the vaccine as a way of pointing the way”, when “the different vaccines, with their characteristics, will require a national strategy that will take time.”

Vaccines “they are not a silver bullet solution to the pandemic, despite being an important advance ”, he affirmed, defending the tests most extended to the population as one of the effective measures to control the pandemic and the use of drugs as forms of prophylaxis and prevention.

Ana Paula Martins defended that a committee of experts should be created that includes “health professionals, the pharmaceutical industry, the General Directorate of Health, the Ministry of Health, virologists and other clinicians”, noting that Portugal will be “one of the few countries in Europe ”not to have such a commission yet.

The president considered that with measures such as traffic restrictions, curfews and states of emergency, the “flattening of the epidemic curve” and a reduction in the number of new daily cases is not being achieved, arguing that it is I need to look for alternatives and hear “dissenting and contradictory voices”.

Science is not black and white. We continue to follow exemplary manuals that no one else perceives ”.

The president of the Portuguese Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry, João Almeida Lopes, criticized that the prophylactic use of drugs in the prevention of Covid-19 is not discussed, that “people are not given hope.”

Asked if the defense of the use of hydroxychloroquine by politicians such as the presidents of Brazil and the United States skewed the possible scientific discussion about its merits, he affirmed that “from the politics of public health and medicine, politicians as small as those on the left.”

Another fundamental aspect for João Almeida Lopes is “to keep primary health care in operation”.
