Covid-19. Peregrinação em Fátima começa sem pilgrims


A pilgrimage, which decorates hoje (terça) e quarta-feira, will be carried out, in an unprecedented way, by pilgrims not enclosed in the Santuário de Fátima, in the sequence of decisions of the face to pandemic of covid-19.

As celebrações, which start at 9:30 p.m., it will only count as the presence of people directly involved in different celebratory moments and, in addition to appeals from Santuário to people to ficarem at home, GNR is from Saturday to prevent or access of pilgrims to Fatima.

Face à situação “atípica”, or Santuário de Fátima asked the pilgrims who, not being able to be present, pilgrimage “as a heart”, challenging them to ascend a candle in the noite de hoje, nas janelas das suas casas, by way of repeating “um two most iconic gestures of Fatima”.

On the pilgrimage of May I will be starting from Capelinha das Aparições, with transmission on, as well as a YouTube channel on the Facebook page of Santuário.

Hoje, após a oração do rosário, follow-se-á Procissão de Velas, this feita num trajeto mais curto.

On the 13th, February 4th, at oração do rosário começa at 9:00 a.m., in Capelinha das Aparições, followed by celebração da missa, presided over by Cardinal António Marto, bishop of Leiria-Fátima, ending as celebrações com a Procissão do Adeus.
