Covid-19 outbreak in the Centro Hospitalar do Oeste with ten infected


The board of directors of the Centro Hospitalar do Oeste announced the “existence of an outbreak of covid-19”, with ten infected, among employees and patients, a figure that may increase, as the results of some tests are still awaited.

According to the note signed by the president of the board of directors, Elsa Baião, the first case was detected on Friday, after the positive result of an hospitalized patient, who had previously tested negative.

The Centro Hospitalar do Oeste, which is part of the Caldas da Rainha, Peniche and Torres Vedras hospitals, evaluated all the employees and all the patients of the services involved.

Elsa Baião told Lusa that the outbreak began in the Caldas da Rainha Hospital Medical Service, but since some patients were transferred to the other units of the hospital center (the infection by the new coronavirus is unknown), SARS-CoV-2 it was also detected in at least one of the other units.

“To date, 24 patients and 80 professionals have been tested, confirming that they are infected four employees, all asymptomatic, and six patientspending several results, which will be known soon, “adds the statement sent to the Lusa agency.

The chairman of the board of directors also revealed that more people could be tested. “It is necessary to let the window period pass so as not to risk false negative terms. Among the infected patients there is no situation of clinical gravity ”, he explained.

Six professionals related to this outbreak are in prophylactic isolation and hospitalized patients remain in isolation.

The board of directors guaranteed that “all the norms imposed by the health authority were met and the services were disinfected, so the hospital continues to be a safe place to provide care.”

“All the services of the Hospital Center are insured and continue to function normally. Therefore, all users are urged to continue visiting the hospital, whenever their clinical situation requires it, either for scheduled events or in an emergency regime”, underline the note.

The Centro Hospitalar do Oeste “continues to make an effort to hire more professionals, which will increase the response capacity of the health services and guarantee the provision of adequate care to the needs of the population.”

Since the beginning of the pandemic, last March, 133 professionals have been hired to face the increase in activities imposed by the diagnosis and treatment of the pandemic, the statement added.
