COVID-19. Normal life (in the US) could resume “in or around May” – Observer


The return to normal life of millions of Americans could occur “in or around May”, at least to be judged by the scientific forecasts responsible for Operation “Speed ​​Warp”, in an interview with CNN. With the start of the immunization process on the near horizon, and when the country has just passed the threshold of 12 million infected, Moncef slaoui believes that the first vaccines against Covid-19 in the United States could occur “in mid-December.”

According to Slauoi, if the distribution and immunization process (which involves the military and private sectors, as well as government health experts) goes well, before the summer of next year enough Americans will already be protected against this disease, to decisively stop the rate of its spread.

“Our plan is that we will be able to begin shipping vaccines to the side responsible for immunization within 24 hours of approval” by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US regulator, which is already evaluating application. Request for “emergency use” last Friday by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. It is anticipated that in the first half of December (10, according to some news), the regulator will be able to issue a binding opinion on whether or not the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine can be distributed to a large number of people.

If so, perhaps on May 11, “let’s hope,” there will already be people “all over the United States” to be inoculated with the first injection of the vaccine. Up to 20 million people in the US may be vaccinated in December, and then about 30 million a month in the months that follow.

The same official indicates that it would be enough to immunize around 70% of the population to achieve “true group immunity”. “It will probably happen sometime during or around May, given our plans,” says Moncef Slauoi, adding that he hoped Americans, even the most skeptical, would have a positive view of the vaccine and that acceptance is widespread. “This will be a critical factor for our success,” he acknowledged.
