COVID-19. New variant of the virus is already in other European countries


Cmore than 20 million people are now confined to London and respective metropolitan region due to the increase in infections with COVID-19-19, apparently due to the mutation that makes the virus more contagious, a situation that the United Kingdom has already communicated to the World Health Organization (who).

Following this question, the Minister of Health of Generality, the government of Catalonia, Alba Vergés, shared a ‘tweet’ in which he asks the Government to prohibit air links with the United Kingdom.

“Several European countries are banning travel to the UK. The Spanish government must act now to protect citizens from the existing uncertainty,” he wrote on his Twitter account.

Tight-Alhambra, in an interview with radio RAC1, explained that for a month there has been talk in the scientific community about a possible mutation of the virus, which would now be more contagious, an alteration that would have been detected in several European countries.

The expert considers that it is still too early to understand if this mutation is the cause of the sudden increase in cases in London, Germany, Italy or Spain, although he has advanced that it is almost certain that it is already present in several European countries.

Tight-Alhambra, also a member of the expert council that advises the European Medicines Agency on new vaccines against the virus, explained that the first evidence indicates that the change occurred in the virus’s protein S, which allows it to better adapt and, consequently, be more contagious.

If the investigation confirms it, Tight-Alhambra maintains that it will be necessary to vaccinate more people than expected to achieve the so-called group immunity.

On the other hand, he noted, if there are more infectedalthough asymptomatic, from what studies now indicate, “vaccines are being wasted” with people who already infected.

Tight-Alhambra predicts that, in any case, it will not be possible to affirm that the pandemic will be under control in half a year and asked that all people get vaccinated. “It is safer to get immunity while vaccinated than infected“he added.

He also argued that vaccination should start with the elderly and healthcare workers. sectors essential, especially of sector medical care, because there will be fewer hospitalizations COVID-19-19 and decreasing Deceased.

Regarding the Russian vaccine, the professor regretted “the transparency problem” with which it was developed, which makes it difficult to know “if shortcuts were made”, which did not happen with the others.

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