Covid-19. “Nervousness” and “concern” in the White House. Trump devalues ​​the cases and does not wear a mask because “it would be an admission of guilt”


There is “nervousness” and “concern” in the White House. After an advisor to the US Vice President. In the USA, Mike Pence tested positive for covid-19, officials potentially exposed to the new coronavirus have reacted differently. Some members of the pandemic response task force decided to isolate themselves, while others said they would continue to work.

Pence, who heads that task force, decided to isolate himself after positive testing from the adviser, her spokeswoman, Katie Miller. An administration official said, quoted by the Associated Press, that the vice president voluntarily limits his exposure and works from home. Pence was repeatedly tested at covid-19, always accused of being negative.

The vice president’s decision comes after three other members of the ‘task force’ have been quarantined after contacting Miller. One of these members is Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), who was negative. The other two are Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Stephen Hahn, commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, the federal agency responsible for protecting and promoting public health in the United States. United.

However, White House officials have been instructed by their supervisors to continue working, the Washington Post wrote Sunday. In addition, advisers traveling with the President of the United States, Donald Trump and Pence, will not meet the 14-day quarantine, the recommended isolation time for anyone who has been exposed to the virus.
