Covid-19 | Médio Tejo has the blackest day of the pandemic with 190 cases, 136 of which in Alcanena (with audio and video)


The Association of Health Centers (ACES) of Médio Tejo today broke the record for new cases of infected, having registered no less than 190 people infected by the new coronavirus in the last 24 hours. Today’s cases were registered in Alcanena (+136), Entroncamento (+21), Tomar (+13), Torres Novas (+13), Ferreira do Zêzere (+4), Vila Nova da Barquinha (+2) and Constancia (+1).


This ACES reached 2,086 confirmed cases since the beginning of the pandemic, on a day that marks 8 months of the first confirmed case in the region, precisely on March 16, 2020. Maria dos Anjos Esperança, Delegate of Public Health at ACES Médio Tejo , made a brief comment from on the cases of the day, realizing that the people from the outbreak of Pego’s house (Abrantes) were all tested today, there are 11 people hospitalized and 7 deaths in that house, and also mentioned the unusual. number of new cases in Alcanena that are related to a covid outbreak in homes in Minde.


Also the mayor of Alcanena, Fernanda Asseiceira, made a public statement about the increase in cases in the municipality, specifically about the outbreak in a house in Minde, which this afternoon had already confirmed the infections of 91 users and 34 employees. “It is a difficult time for the institution and hence my solidarity and motivation so that the management, workers, family members and users can overcome this difficult moment. These users are fragile people and this is when they most need our support and solidarity ”.

In the 11 counties of the region, with a total of 2,086 cases since the beginning of the pandemic, Ourém registers 522 confirmed infections, followed by Tomar, with 324 (+13), Entroncamento, with 318 (+21), Torres Novas, with 274 (+13), Alcanena, with 247 (+136), Abrantes, with 220, Mação, with 52, Constância, with 40 (+1), Vila Nova da Barquinha 32 (+2), Ferreira do Zêzere, with 29 (+ 4), and Sardoal, with 28 accumulated cases.

Currently, ACES Médio Tejo has 832 people under active surveillance (+39). Ourém has 170 citizens in this condition, followed by Abrantes (125), Tomar (105), Torres Novas (95), Entroncamento (91), Alcanena (74), Constância (44), Sardoal (44), Ferreira do Zêzere ( 31), Mação (30) and Vila Nova da Barquinha (23).

This ACES records a cumulative total of 2086 infected people (+190), 850 recovered (-), 832 people under active surveillance (+39) and 30 deaths (with data not yet updated by ACES).

ACES PIS with 25 active cases in Sertã and 4 in Vila de Rei

In ACES do Pinhal Interior Sul (PIS), the municipality of Sertã today has a cumulative total of 73 infected people, of whom 48 have already recovered from the disease, according to ACES PIS. Sertã has a cumulative total of 73 confirmed cases, of which 25 are active cases and 105 people are under active surveillance.

Vila de Rei, meanwhile, has had a total of 7 cases of contagion since the start of the pandemic, 4 of which are still active and three people have recovered, according to ACES PIS. This Monday there were 21 people on active surveillance in this municipality.

Middle Tagus region with a total of 2,166 confirmed cases in the 13 municipalities

With approximately 250 thousand inhabitants, the 13 municipalities of the Middle Tagus today add a total of 2,166 cases (+190) confirmed of contagion by the new coronavirus (2,086 in ACES Médio Tejo and 80 in ACES Pinhal Interior Sul – 73 in Sertã and 7 Vila de Rei), 901 people recovered (850 in ACES Médio Tejo, 48 in Sertã and 3 in Vila de Rei (ACES PIS) and 30 deaths.

ACES Médio Tejo covers the territorial area of ​​11 municipalities with approximately 235 thousand users, and covers the health units of Abrantes, Alcanena, Constância, Entroncamento, Ferreira do Zêzere, Mação, Ourém, Sardoal, Tomar, Torres Novas and Vila nova da Barquinha , in a territorial area of ​​2,706.10 square kilometers.

The municipalities of Sertã and Vila de Rei are part of the Inter-municipal Community (CIM) of the Middle Tagus in the political-administrative division, but in terms of Health, they are linked to ACES do Pinhal Interior Sul (PIS), which also covers the municipalities of Proença-a- Nova and Oleiros, in a total of about 30 thousand users.

Ponte de Sor has 30 active cases (+1), Gavião with 12 active cases

In Alto Alentejo, Ponte de Sor accumulates today a cumulative total of 76 (+3) positive cases since the start of the pandemic. At least five of the cases refer to people who do not reside in the municipality and who have not updated their tax residence. The municipality only mentions the occurrence of 71 cases, of which 40 are recovered and 30 are active. There is a death to regret. Ponte de Sor became part of the list of municipalities with a high risk of transmission of covid-19, subject to more restrictive measures such as the curfew, starting this Monday.

Gavião, in turn, today has a cumulative total of 24 cases of covid, with 12 people already recovered from the disease. There are 12 active cases in the municipality and no deaths are recorded.

Lezíria region with 40 new cases and one more death

Today Lezíria do Tejo presents 40 new cases, 32 recovered patients, one death and a cumulative total of 2852 patients, of which 1044 cases in the municipality of Santarém, according to data from the Regional Network. Chamusca has a total of 97 confirmed cases (+3), including four deaths, and Golegã records 50 infections (+1).

The Lezíria region has 75 deaths (+1), 30 of which in Santarém, and 2,030 people recovered from the disease (+32).

Santarém district with a total of 4,978 cases, 2,880 recovered and 105 deaths

The Santarém district has a cumulative total of 4,978 confirmed disease cases (2,852 in Lezíria do Tejo and 2,086 in ACES Médio Tejo), and a total of 105 deaths (75 in Lezíria and 30 in ACES Médio Tejo). Lezíria has a total of 2030 recovered and ACES Médio Tejo has 850, which gives a total of 2880 recovered people.

Portugal today registers 91 deaths, a new daily maximum and 3,996 more cases

Portugal today registered the maximum number of daily deaths from covid-19, representing 91 more deaths in the last 24 hours and accounting for 3,996 new cases of infection, according to the bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

The number of hospital admissions for covid-19 exceeded, for the first time, three thousand cases (3,040).

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Portugal has registered 3,472 deaths and 255,672 cases of infection by the new coronavirus, with the northern region being the most affected both in number of deaths (44) and in new cases (2,063).

According to DGS, in relation to confirmed and recovered cases (more than 3,560), today’s values ​​are the result of a change in the data analysis system, and the daily difference in these fields is calculated in relation to the data of the yesterday.

The bulletin also indicates that of the 91 deaths, the highest value in nine months of the covid pandemic, 44 were registered in the northern region, 33 in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, eleven in the central region and three in the Alentejo.

The document indicates that 3,040 people are hospitalized in nursing and 426 in Intensive Care Units, eleven more than the data provided on Sunday.

Health officials are keeping 95,354 contacts under surveillance, 750 more than on Sunday.

Regarding the characterization of the registered cases, the new coronavirus has already reached 121,802 women, 99,448 men and, according to the bulletin, 4,422 cases were registered whose “sex is unknown”, being “under investigation since the data is not provided. automatic “.

The covid-19 disease has already caused the death of 1,775 men and 1,697 women, with the age group over 80 being the most affected.

c / LUSA
