Covid-19 | Mayor of Sardoal tests positive for new coronavirus (with audio)


The mayor of Sardoal, Miguel Borges, accused the new positive coronavirus today and entered prophylactic home isolation, along with his wife, also with a positive test for SARS-CoV-2, the mayor revealed early Saturday. . Speaking to, Miguel Borges said that he went to the Abrantes hospital on Friday because he had symptoms that could be associated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and that, from the battery of tests, he tested positive for the new coronavirus. for you and your wife, Professor Ana Borges, and whose results were known this morning.


“This affects us all, I try to comply with the regulations to the fullest, but there is always that moment that we do not expect and do not know, but it does not matter now to know where they caught us, the most important thing now is to cut the contagion networks”, he said .


“In terms of health, I’m fine, as if I had a bit of the flu,” revealed the mayor of Sardoal, also president of the Santarém district Civil Protection Commission, also revealing that a test had been carried out last week, which it was negative. “Yesterday I had some symptoms, I had doubts if it was due to another problem that I am treating, and yes, no, I went to the hospital, I did tests and the test was positive, we found out this morning.”

Miguel Borges assured that he will continue to perform functions from home and participate in meetings, teleworking, “using new technologies,” if health permits and if symptoms do not worsen.

“I will stay at home for the next 10 days, with some medications for me and my wife, they are both positive, and we hope it will be a light pass, without consequences for the future, and that is what we believe because I am a man of faith. , and I have faith ”.

Married and with four children, the Social Democratic teacher is 55 years old and is part of the risk groups for some diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

His municipality is one of the 191 counties with high risk of contagion by covid-19. In the universe of about 3,750 inhabitants residing in Sardoal, the latest epidemiological bulletin of the Association of Health Centers (ACES Médio Tejo) pointed out this Friday a total of 19 cases of contagion since the beginning of the pandemic and “a fiscal death” .

At dawn this Saturday, Miguel Borges published a message on his Facebook page, in a photo in which he appears flanked by his wife, Ana Borges.

Miguel Borges and Ana Borges tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and are in prophylactic isolation. Photo: Miguel Borges

“Dear friends,
Our life, these days, has these things. Ana and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will overcome this battle more like others that we have had in our lives, and more hard. We both tested recently and got a negative result, now things have been reversed. I am aware that I have followed the rules as much as possible, but even so, things can happen and have happened. Have a very good day, very healthy! ”.

The mayor also appealed, once again, to the social responsibility of the population, having recalled that there are some socialization practices that cannot, for now, happen, to stop the spread of the pandemic.

Portugal represents at least 3,250 deaths associated with covid-19 in 204,664 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest bulletin from the Directorate General of Health (DGS).

The country is in a state of emergency from November 9 to November 23, a period during which there is a mandatory curfew in the counties with the highest risk of contagion and neighboring municipalities. The measure covers 114 counties, a number that increases to 191 as of Monday.

During the week, the curfew must be respected between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., while on weekends circulation is limited between 1:00 p.m. on Saturday and 5:00 a.m. on Sunday and between 1:00 p.m. : 00h. 00 on Sunday and 05:00 on Monday.
