Covid-19 | Mayor of Sardoal discharged after 19 days


The mayor of Sardoal, Miguel Borges, infected by the new coronavirus, revealed today that he was discharged on Tuesday, 19 days after being admitted to the Abrantes Hospital for respiratory problems, fever and cough.


“I was discharged yesterday [terça-feira]”I was hospitalized for 19 days,” the president of the Sardoal municipality told Lusa today, after noting that “the symptoms have disappeared”, despite the fact that the latest tests still show the presence of SARS-CoV-2, and that still A good period of recovery awaits him at home, also accompanied by the local health unit ”, but without the need for prophylactic isolation.

In a written message, Miguel Borges pointed out that “the symptoms have disappeared and, according to the DGS 4/2020 standard, a patient with more than 20 days of symptoms does not need to remain in isolation.”

He also realized that he had gone through a very difficult period in the hospital, not having anticipated a day to return to normal life.

“There is no forecast to return to normal,” he said, referring that in these 19 days he has followed “with a certain distance” political life and that the company while he was hospitalized were “possible readings.”

Miguel Borges accused the new positive coronavirus on November 14, and went into prophylactic home isolation, together with his wife, also with a positive test for SARS-CoV-2, the mayor revealed at that time.

At that time, the Mayor reported his status as positive for SARS-CoV-2 in a message posted on his page on social networks, having assured that he was “aware of having complied with the rules as far as possible”, but remembering that, “even then, things can and have happened.”

Married and with four children, the Social Democratic teacher, who in addition to being mayor is president of the Santarém District Civil Protection Commission, is 55 years old and is part of risk groups for some pathologies such as diabetes and hypertension.

His municipality is one of the 191 counties with a very high risk of contagion by covid-19. In the universe of about 3,750 inhabitants residing in Sardoal, the latest epidemiological bulletin of the Association of Health Centers (ACES) of the Tejo Medio today indicates a total of 63 cases of contagion since the beginning of the pandemic, of which 36 people they were given as recovered from the disease.

Since the start of the pandemic, Portugal has already registered 5,192 deaths and 332,073 cases of infection by the new coronavirus, with 72,181 cases already active, more than 1,755 in relation to Tuesday.
