COVID-19. Marta Temido says the government is preparing to have a vaccine available in January


The Minister of Health revealed, this Wednesday, in an interview to the PS podcast entitled “Politics with a word”, that the Government “prepares everything to be able to have the vaccine distributed [contra a covid-19] in january.

Marta Temido clarified that specialists are currently working on four issues: the target population to be vaccinated and priority groups, logistics (transportation and storage), the computerized registry of vaccine administration and possible adverse reactions, in addition to communication. .

“There is a ‘working group’ to monitor the issue, with elements from the central services, the DGS and experts who must make this definition [da estratégia de vacinação]”He affirmed, highlighting that the target groups older than a certain age, people with comorbidities, health professionals and essential services (civil protection and security forces) and, eventually, those of social services will be the object of analysis.

“The concrete definition and priorities have not yet been specified further,” he added.

The minister chose not to get vaccinated against the flu and asks that it be done with discretion

Marta Temido also highlighted the importance of only getting the flu vaccine for those who have an indication for it and said that she chose not to get vaccinated, recalling that the availability of these vaccines in the market is limited.

“It is important to say that only those who have criteria should be vaccinated … it is important to understand this, for all vaccines. (…) There are therapeutic indications that must be followed. I, for example, did not get vaccinated.” Said Marta Temido,

Asked about the flu vaccines purchased for the National Health Service (SNS), the minister explained that each year they are manufactured “in limited quantity”, he stressed that this year more doses were purchased than last year and that the 2.5 million available (in the NHS and pharmacies) “would be enough for the vaccination that the country usually has.”

Noting that the Government bought for the NHS “all the amount it could” of influenza vaccines -more than two million doses-, the minister recalled that the pharmacies managed to buy around 500 thousand and that, in total, this would be necessary for has an indication to receive the vaccine.

“This year we had a demand from people who do not usually get vaccinated,” said the minister, giving the example of many health professionals.

According to data provided by the government official, 1.4 million doses of the flu vaccine were administered and there are still 400,000 in ‘stock’ to be administered.

“The last slice – 200 thousand doses – will come at the end of the month,” said the minister, recalling that “there are no more vaccines available on the world market.”

On the way in which the General Directorate of Health has faced the pandemic and on maintaining confidence in the General Director of Health, Graça Freitas, the minister replied: “Absolutely.”

Only 25% of cases identified in the North

The Health Minister also revealed that, in the North, the region that has the greatest pressure on health services due to covid-19, it was only possible to identify the context of transmission in 25% of cases.

Marta Temido, who spoke in an interview to the PS Politica com Palavra podcast, explained that the data collected in the epidemiological surveys only managed to know the context of the contagion (either at home, in transport, or in the workplace, for example) in 25% of the cases in the North region.

Last week, the Prime Minister had revealed that available data indicated that 68% of covid-19 infections occur in two cases through family or social life, 12% in the workplace, 8% in homes, 3% in schools. , 3% in social life and 1% in health services.

“We only talk about what we know,” said the Health Minister, recalling that at home “is where we all lower our guard.”

“It is the place where it was easier to identify the origin (…), we know everyone’s name. It is difficult to say the origin of the infection that went home,” he added.

Asked about how many units of the social or private sector have received patients with covid-19 so far, the minister said that it was in the North where “there was more availability to work on the response to the covid”, that is, from the Fernando Pessoa Foundation , Hospital da Trofa, Puerto CUF and units of Santa Casa da Misericórdia in Póvoa do Lanhoso and Lousada.

Emphasizing that it is in the North where there is greater pressure on health services -more than 60% of new cases are in the ARS Norte area-, Marta Temido recalled: “Health systems can treat, but they do not work miracles. and they have limits. Only everyone’s behavior can guarantee that life, with a certain normality, will return. “
