Covid-19: Mariana Vieira da Silva says that the country is worse than 15 days ago, but that for many children the safest place “is the schools” – News


Asked by Miguel Sousa Tavares about the expected efficiency of the measures of the contingency phase -which comes into effect tomorrow, September 15- the Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, said that this plan was thought in a phase where the pandemic numbers weren’t that high.

“Today we are seeing a more negative evolution of the pandemic. We are worse off than 15 days ago, and when the Government announced that it would pass this contingency stage, it did so with much better figures than those we observed, ”the minister admitted.

It should be remembered that, with the application to the entire continental national territory, of the contingency situation regime that was in force for the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, measures such as limiting concentrations to 10 people are imposed, unless they belong to the same household. , on public roads and in establishments or the limitation of 4 people per group, unless they belong to the same address, in restaurants, cafeterias and pastry shops 300m from schools.

According to the minister, the expansion of the contingency situation was taken with the prediction that “we would have a large movement of people who until now did not move or move in a more restricted way”, as well as “to accommodate this return of all” . young people and all children and the return to work of all those who were teleworking ”.

Regarding the issue of going back to school, in light of Fenprof’s complaints about the lack of professionals and the lack of distance in most of the schools surveyed, Mariana Vieira da Silva rejected these criticisms, saying that “since July, schools have they have been working to receive children and young people and the school directors themselves say they can do the job. “

In addition, the minister said that she believes that for “many children in our country, the most spaced, safest and cleanest places are actually the schools,” and said that the idea that schools are not prepared when they are. I have been working for months. ”And that the Government has made an“ important reinforcement of operational assistants, teachers, technicians and psychologists ”.

After the Avante party! and in view of the gatherings that took place in the Shrine of Fatima on the occasion of the pilgrimages of September 13, the Minister of the Presidency recalled that “the Government is not in a position to limit political or religious events”, also saying that “Nothing can be pointed out to the Catholic Church that was not an extreme collaboration in all the precautions we needed to take.”
