Covid-19: Marcelo does not rule out an increase in the deficit to strengthen SNS – Economy


“If it is concluded that it is necessary to reinforce the health budget, I do not see any party saying no, no matter how much it costs to sacrifice one area or another or, in this year that is very special, in terms of increasing deficits ”Said Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

At the end of a visit to the municipality of Vila do Bispo, Marcelo resorted to the words of former president Jorge Sampaio to reaffirm “that life neither begins nor ends in deficit.”

“The deficit is very important, but if it is verified that, indeed, it takes about zero points plus any percentage due to the urgency of reinforcing the health budget and the parties understand that it should be like that, because it should be like that,” he stressed.

Marcelo defended that, at a time when the budget for 2021 “is on the table” and that the pandemic “will still remain for next year”, it is necessary to answer the specific question if “there are enough professionals, yes or no “.

The President of the Republic considered it important to know if “in the terms” in which the competitions are opened “they allow professional progression”, that “new personnel are being incorporated to the position” or if “more personnel are needed”.

“This is a debate and a discussion that should be done calmly,” he said.

Asked by journalists at the end of what was his last visit to all the Algarve municipalities after the impact of covid-19 on tourism in the region, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa also stressed that “it is not enough to have fans, it is necessary that the teams ensure intensive attention with these fans ”.

Leaving a word of support and recognition to health professionals who are, “many of them, tired and exhausted,” the President of the Republic stressed that they have been “in this for many months and they know that they will continue in this for many months as well. “.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa will start a consultation next week with various personalities in the health area, starting with the Minister of Guardianship, Marta Temido, but also receiving current and former presidents of the Ordem dos Médicos, other presidents of related areas with health. , former ministers of health, unions and union and employer confederations, in what will be “two or three very important weeks,” he said.

The President of the Republic revealed that, at the end of these consultations, he would like to find a “consensus of opinions”, either “on the evolution of the pandemic and the measures to confront it”, but also that “there is a balance between the concern for life and health and the radical failure of the Portuguese economy and society.
