COVID-19. Leaders conference examines declaration of state of emergency


The president of the Assembly of the Republic, Ferro Rodrigues, convened on Monday night a meeting of the conference of parliamentary leaders, the body where work orders are discussed and which is the only point-agendas- of the call, to the one Lusa had access to. .

Parliamentary sources said that Wednesday’s meeting, scheduled for 3:30 p.m., in the Senate Chamber, could serve this purpose, scheduling the debate on the state of emergency, but nothing has been officially confirmed.

The state of emergency was in effect in Portugal at the beginning of this epidemic, between March 19 and May 2, in the first wave of the pandemic.

According to the Constitution, the declaration of the state of emergency may determine the suspension of some of the rights, freedoms and guarantees, for a maximum period of 15 days, without prejudice to renewals with the same term.

Its declaration in all or in part of the national territory is competence of the President of the Republic, but it depends on the audience of the Government and the authorization of Parliament.

Parliament is debating the State Budgets for 2021 in particular, until the final global vote, on November 26, so any change in the agenda is up to the speaker of parliament and the conference of leaders.

President inclined to “yes”

On Monday night, in an interview with RTP, the President of the Republic affirmed that there is a majority of at least two thirds to approve a “very limited” state of emergency, after having listened to the parties with parliamentary representation during the day.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa stressed that a “very limited state of emergency is at stake, with mainly preventive effects”, and not “pointing to the total or almost total confinement” that occurred in March and April.

This is the inclination of the parties that I heard – let’s see if it is the inclination of the economic and social partners. But it is the government’s own inclination. And the President of the Republic is considering“he stated.

In the early hours of Monday, the Prime Minister proposed to the President that a state of emergency be decreed “with a preventive nature” to “eliminate doubts” about the Government’s action to protect citizens in relation to the covid-19 pandemic. in four areas.

The four dimensions in which the executive wants a more robust legal framework are restrictions on movement at certain times of the day or during the week, or even between municipalities; the possibility of requesting resources from the private and social health sector; the opening to the requisition of workers (either in public or in private), possibly changing its functional content, to help in missions considered urgent to combat the pandemic; and the legality of the temperature collection, either in the access to the workplace or in the access to any other public space.
