COVID-19. Intensive care beds increased by 35%


The document delivered to the Assembly of the Republic indicates that, in March 2020, the SNS had 528 beds in intensive care unit, which went from 713 to May 2, representing an increase of 35 percent in installed capacity.

Regarding the quantity of amateurs With the ability to be used in the treatment of covid-19, the document establishes that, in early March, 1,142 ventilators were counted in the SNS, going from May 2 to 1,814 teams, 74 percent of which are invasive .

According to the report of the third period of the state of emergency, between April 18 and May 2, the increase in capacity in the number of ventilators was made through purchases made by the Central Administration of the Health System, donations, loans and recoveries of devices.

The document also establishes that, since March 1, 427,346 diagnostic tests to Covid-19, of which 37,742 were positive (8.8 percent of total tests).

Of the total tests, 426,662 were carried out in the months of March and April, with April 30 being the date when the most tests were carried out since the start of the pandemic, for a total of 15,881 tests, according to the report with data until May 2, the last day of the state of emergency.

The same document affirms that it was in the Northern Regional Health Administration where the most diagnostic tests were carried out, a total of 153,336, followed by the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Regional Health Administration (101,098), the Regional Health Administration of the Center (28,228), Algarve Regional Health Administration (15,024) and Alentejo Regional Health Administration (5,040).

In the autonomous regions there were 14,984 in Madeira and 9,984 in the Azores.

Portugal spent 45 days in a state of emergency, between March 19 and May 2, to confront Covid-19, and since May 3 has been in a state of calamity.
