Covid-19: Instituições querem “apontar uma data” to resume visits to the old world – Atualidade


“Comtestes feitos [da covid-19]Serents treated as devem to be treated, with individual protection equipment, with a fixed distance, I think that on May 3, the day of the day, it was já um dia bom para isso, não é possível, mas é or Dia da Mãe It was a concrete form of or we can celebrate, “said Lino Maia or CNIS president, Lino Maia, reinforcing that such” is not possible, “because” it is not decided. “

Second to the Minister of Trabalho, Solidariedade e Segurança Social, there is also no possibility to enter a certain date for the suspension of visits in the country, institutions that are dated, at the national level, since March 16, a situation that started North region, in March 07.

“First of all, it is necessary to eliminate cliffs, reduce to a minimum or a pergo of contgio, and that is what we are going to do or test all the officials of Lares – or Perm vem of fora – and symptomatic patients at national level, or that should be concluded daqui a for two or three weeks ”, stated Minister Ana Mendes Godinho, on the 6th of February, in an interview with the Expresso daily.

“Soma-se isso a formação dos trabalhadores em questões de segurança e o reinforce two human resources. And, in the same way, it will only be advanced with data when the technical assessment of the Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS) or allow “, acrescentou.

For the father Lino Maia, president of the CNIS, it must be said, “hair less, write down a date” for the lifting of visits to the idle people who are in the country, stating that you do not give visits “was the first endowed measure” In the pandemic of covid-19, when “as institutions religiously comply and perfectly understand this measure,” plus “já lá vão dois months”.

“You are giddy there,” said Lino Maia, claiming that “we cannot be graced, we cannot be abandoned.”

“Fetes tests, with individual protection equipment assembled, as covid-19 patients to be treated as they should be treated, with identification of spaces so that only one visit at a time may be feita, with distance between or visit visit, With moderation, with programming, I thought it was opportune to think twice about visits “, he reinforced, or president of the CNIS, in declarations to Agência Lusa, adding that the two of them are also receiving news about the resumption of economic activity and reopening of schools and creches .

Assim, as institutions of solidarity defending that it is “convenient and necessary” to advance with the data from which it will be possible to resume the visits to the country, on a scheduled basis, cautioning that it is not a matter of “scanning the doorways”.

“A date could not be too much for anyone, we cannot think that October 1 or World Day of Two Idosos could not be for that date, it would be more for me, I would like more,” said Lino Maia, hoping that To date to raise to suspensão das visits we will be seja “in brief”, with all the care of security due to covid-19.

With 847 lares no country, CNIS has tried to ensure, permanently, the contacts of two idosos with your family members, saying that “it is not easy” and ends up being insufficient: “O idoso needs to see a sorriso, needs partilhar or a tear In addition, it is not possible to be in physical contact, but it is visibly and important that this happens “.

Regarding local initiatives that are organizing visits, ensuring that they are safe between family members and representatives of institutions of solidarity, they considered that “he or she” is able to discover ways of keeping families and families in contact, but they cannot “Unilaterally make any decision that comes before a decision comes from the top.”

“It is important that we multiply contacts, more at a distance, such as are empowered, but at the entrance not even unauthorized, for that reason we are waiting,” he warned.

Portugal records 1,023 deaths associated with covid-19 in 25,190 confirmed cases of infection, second or daily bulletin of the Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS) on a pandemic reported on Saturday.

Portugal entered the situation in the calamidade situation, having been in three consecutive periods in a state of emergency since March 19.

This new phase of combat à covid-19 foresees or obligatory confinement for people who are in active vigilance, or to provide general use of domiciliary recollections and compulsory use of masks in public transport, public service services, schools and commercial establishments.
