Covid-19 | Infected nurse says she was forced to work 10 days at Ourém’s house


Nurse Susana Poeta reported last Friday that she was being forced to work in a house in Ourém, even after having tested positive for covid-19. Just this Saturday he returned home, after having launched a request for help in a group of nurses, on Facebook, which caught the attention of the president of the Order of Nurses, Ana Rita Cavaco.


Susana Poeta received a positive test on November 4 and says that she was later prevented from leaving Lar Residência Sénior Geração de Elite (where, as reported on November 5, 56 employees were infected with the new coronavirus). until a negative result for covid-19 is obtained. “I am exhausted, I am the only nurse, I worked every day because I had to give temperatures and symptoms to users, monitor day and night, for 10 days I hardly sleep (…) I am taking care of people, who takes care of me?” nurse from that Facebook group, last Friday the 13th.

“He is sure, he will immediately go home until he is well. A word of honor “, replied the president of the Order of Nurses, who shortly after left a” warning “on his Facebook wall:” Either let this nurse leave immediately, complying with the DGS standard, which is very clear, or they will have a criminal complaint for kidnapping. “

At the end of yesterday, 10 days after testing positive, the nurse was already at home, according to President Ana Rita Cavaco. tried to obtain a clarification from the house of Sénior Geração de Elite, located in the Union of Parishes of Rio de Couros and Casal dos Bernardos, in the municipality of Ourém, but has not received a response so far.

On November 4, the Hogar de Ourém registered 56 positive cases among users and employees. Photo: DR

Contacted by our newspaper, the director of the Middle Tagus Public Health Unit, Maria dos Anjos Esperança, reported that all clarifications must be provided by the Regional Health Administration of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo. has already requested additional clarifications from the Regional Health Administration, as well as from the General Health Directorate.
