Covid-19: Infarmed warns about falsified rapid tests in the European market – News


In a note published on its website, the National Authority for Medicines and Health Products says that, to date, no counterfeit evidence has been detected in Portugal and recalls that evidence of this type has been found in the European market that, despite If you have a CE mark as a security symbol, present “false documentation, incomplete documentation or unsubstantiated claims”.

Some medical devices of this type have also been detected in the European market that “indicate non-professional use, that is, they are intended for self-diagnosis without complying with the applicable legislation for that purpose,” he adds.

Infarmed, who has participated in the European Commission working group that has analyzed the rapid tests of covid-19 in the European market, recalls that these devices can only be available “by duly notified manufacturers and wholesale distributors (…) , according to applicable law “.

He also advises consumers and other non-professional users not to buy rapid tests for covid-19 online or any other route, and says that, regarding the diagnosis of the disease, the recommendations of the General Directorate of Health should be followed, highlighting that these tests are, as a general rule, less reliable and sensitive than diagnostic tests carried out in the laboratory, with specific equipment and reagents.
