Covid-19 in Portugal: 74 more deaths and 3,336 new infected


Portugal registered 74 more deaths in the last 24 hours and 3,336 new cases of covid-19, according to the epidemiological bulletin released this Tuesday by the General Directorate of Health.

This means that the country reached 6,751 deaths on Tuesday since the beginning of the pandemic and exceeded the barrier of 400 thousand infected (400,002).

The largest increase in the number of infected was registered in the north of the country, where there are more than 1,494 positive cases, with Lisbon and Vale do Tejo registering 995 more cases.

Regarding the number of deaths, it was in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo where the most deaths occurred (33), followed by the North, where 24 people died.

In terms of hospitalizations, it fell to 2,930 people, 37 less than in the previous day’s report. The number of patients admitted to intensive care has also decreased, 486, 17 less than on Monday.

There is also good news regarding the number of recovered, which amounted to 327,794, but 6,112 more than the last record.

Portugal now has 65,457 active cases, 2,850 less than on Monday.

[artigo atualizado]
