Covid-19: Hospital São João trains health professionals in “respiratory helmets” | Coronavirus


Professionals from the Emergency Service (SU) of the São João University Hospital Center (CHUSJ), in Porto, are receiving training on a device called Helmet (“breathing helmet”), used to ventilate patients with covid-19.

“It fits into the broad response capacity of the hospital, which includes this and other devices, and which, in the logic that has always characterized us in planning and anticipating needs from the first wave we saw doing it , in this context of anticipation, it would be careless not to proceed with the training of all professionals who may come to use this equipment, and that is what we are doing at the moment, “the coordinator of the covid team of the SU of Hospital São Juan.

For Nélson Pereira, “this is a device that is very interested in this type of patient”, so “it is necessary to train these professionals” in CHUSJ, since it was a device that the hospital did not have and that received “Relatively Little time”.

“OR Helmet is a device of Italian origin that has been in use for some years, but which has shown, even more sensibly, its interest in the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic in Italy, where, in fact, it was widely used and where it was very useful in this context ”, emphasizes the clinician.

This device facilitates oxygenation and gas exchange in the body. “It is a device that allows the administration of oxygen in high concentrations, while providing a positive pressure during inspiration and expiration, which is very important in this type of pneumonia, in which the pulmonary alveoli are, so to speak, more rigid, and that they need this pressure to expand and facilitate oxygenation and the gas exchange of oxygen with carbon dioxide that normally occurs in the lungs ”, explains Nélson Pereira.

Portugal represents at least 3,381 deaths associated with covid-19 in 217,301 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest bulletin from the Directorate General of Health (DGS).

The country is in a state of emergency from November 9 to November 23, during which time there is a mandatory curfew in the counties with the highest risk of contagion and neighboring municipalities. The measure covers 114 counties, a number that increases to 191 as of Monday.

During the week, the curfew must be respected between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m., while on weekends circulation is limited between 1 p.m. on Saturday and 5 a.m. on Sunday and between 1 p.m. on Sunday and 5 a.m. Monday hours. -market.
