COVID-19. Home vaccination begins next week


At a press conference, at the end of Tuesday afternoon, at the Palácio da Ajuda, in Lisbon, Marta Temido explained that the priority of vaccination against covid-19 in nursing homes and integrated long-term care units was defined from the risk map.

The first to receive the vaccine from Monday, when more doses are expected to arrive in Portugal, are the 150 structures identified in the 25 municipalities with the highest risk.

By region, there are 11 in the North, five in the Center, one in Lisbon and the Tagus Valley and eight in the Alentejo.

Next week, Beginning January 11, vaccination advances to nursing homes in the remaining counties.

Marta Temido also said that so far no case of serious reaction to the vaccine has been detected and that on occasions mild reactions have been reported, but have not led to any notification.

According to the minister, this reaction occurs “health professionals know how to proceed”, and when the general population begins to be vaccinated “the indication may be to contact health line 24, which can consult the unit where the vaccine was administered ”.

In response to journalists, Marta Temido also said that the Ministry of Health is holding an informal meeting this Wednesday with the five hospitals that began vaccination against covid-19 on Sunday, to understand what went well and what worse, to improve. .

Also questioned by journalists, Marta Temido said that Portugal continues to jointly purchase vaccines from the European Union (instead of buying directly from the pharmaceutical company) and devalued that 140 professionals from the Hospital de Viseu have decided not to get vaccinated.

The minister recalled that vaccination is optional, and that there are several, and personal, reasons why people choose not to get vaccinated at this time. “If people understand that they need more information, we will wait for it”, said.
