Covid-19 gave Maduro the Venezuela he had always dreamed of, but the one that comes here could be a nightmare – Observer


However, two days later, the doorbell rang. And when he opened the door, he found four employees of the dreaded Special Action Forces (FAES), the elite troop of the Nicolás Maduro regime. Armed and with their faces covered, they demanded that he let them enter the house where he lives with his parents.

“They told me that they had to enter my house because someone in our neighborhood knew that someone in our house had someone with coronavirus, or that they had been in contact with an infected person,” says the journalist. Darvinson Rojas knew well that that was not why they were there, and quickly realized that the unexpected visit by the FAES men was due to his work as a journalist.

So as her parents tried to prevent the police from entering the house, she pulled out her cell phone and reported the situation on Twitter. There, at 7:32 pm in Caracas, he wrote: “The FAES have just arrived at my house, they ask us to collaborate to accompany them to the police station, because they received an anonymous call saying that there is a case of Covid-19. If we don’t obey, they will have to stop us. ”

The family did not give up, and Darvinson Rojas continued to report the situation on Twitter. At 8:55 pm, he posted a photograph with two visible agents.

Shortly after posting the photograph, he says, the officers’ pressure skyrocketed. Darvinson Rojas only had time to write, at 9:04 pm, his last tweet of the night: “FAES EMPLOYEES WANT TO WAIT FOR ME”.

So it was. With the journalist handcuffed and handcuffed, the FAES entered his family’s home and took all the electronic equipment they saw. They took two computers, two cell phones and one Tablet – and took them along with Rojas, a scene that their neighbors saw, firing a chorus of screams at that elite troop.

Darvinson Rojas was detained for 12 days in a room at the FAES police station in Caricuao, a parish in Caracas. In the end, they took him to an investigating judge, who ordered the prosecution for two crimes: hate speech and public instigation. All because he made the calculations and, in the end, he counted a handful of more cases than the regime.

The journalist is not a unique case. According to the NGO Foro Penal, among the 100 arrests that this group registered were for “political reasons”, ten are directly related to the pandemic. “In this group, there is a 70-year-old man who works in the health sector, who is under house arrest; a bioanalyst who referred to a case via WhatsApp, who is also under house arrest. In addition, there is a nurse detained for having made a video denouncing the conditions of the hospital, “Alfredo Romero, director of that NGO, told AFP.

In an opinion article published in El País, the opposition Leopoldo López, a refugee at the Spanish Embassy in Caracas since the attempted military coup in which he was involved on April 30, 2019, failed, wrote: “The narco-crime has turned the coronavirus into its human shield, a tool and an excuse to prolong the usurpation, increasing social control and repression ”.

The NGO Provea, in defense of Human Rights, has received several complaints, coming from all over the country, from the army and also from groups of armed civilians who work together with the regime (known as collective) who humiliate and even attack citizens who are found to be violating confinement orders or who are caught without a mask, mandatory for their use.
