Covid-19: Fernando Rocha will be the target of the study after seven positive and negative tests


Fernando Rocha will be the subject of a clinical study conducted at the Hospital de Santo António, in Porto, after several positive tests for Covid-19. The comedian has already carried out seven tests: five were positive, one was negative (the fourth) and the last, carried out this Saturday morning, the result will only be known on Sunday.

Contacted by TVI24He explained that he stopped feeling any symptoms between the first and second tests: “It took only five days to heal”.

For this reason, the Santo António Hospital team took a blood sample to understand whether or not these constant positive tests may be related to some type of immunity to the coronavirus.

They told me that these are only traces of the virus and that they are not enough to infect someone “, clarified.

From the fourth test, the only one that was negative, that Fernando Rocha stopped being isolated at home and began to live with his family. However, going outside is still prohibited.

High fever, vomiting, and body aches were the symptoms that alerted him that he might be infected with Covid-19 after a trip abroad. This scenario was confirmed on March 27..

In Portugal, registered until this Saturday 1,126 deaths and 27,406 confirmed infections, according to the balance made by the General Directorate of Health.
