Covid-19. Critics have Bolsonaro cancel the party with hundreds of guests


On Thursday night, when Brazil broke another record for deaths, with the announcement of 751 covid-19 victims in just 24 hours, the president announced a barbecue and “una peladinha” (amateur soccer game). First, the meeting was prepared for “about 30 guests”, who would have to pay around 12 euros each to participate, but the numbers have continued to grow. The initiative contradicts the guidelines of the World Health Organization and the Brazilian Ministry of Health, which recommend not holding events that can generate crowds of people.

According to “Jornal do Brasil”, when saying goodbye to the supporters, outside the Alvorada Palace, Jair Bolsonaro shot: “Whoever is here tomorrow, let’s go inside. Three thousand people at the barbecue tomorrow.” The next day, he avoided answering journalists’ questions about whether the barbecue would not be a bad example due to the need for social isolation, and said, ironically, that 1,300 people were already confirmed. According to the “G1” website, Bolsonaro did not withdraw with irony: “I am committing a crime. I am going to have a barbecue on Saturday here at home. We are going to have a talk, maybe a little peladinha, some ministers, some servants more humble. “

When asked, Vice President General Hamilton Mourão said Friday that he had not been invited to the barbecue. The criticisms were not delayed and, at the end of Friday, the guests will have been notified of the cancellation of the event, which even received the nickname “death barbecue” on social networks. Shortly after 11:00 am on Saturday, the Brazilian president posted a video excerpt on Facebook and wrote that the party was “bogus,” criticizing Movimento Brasil Livre (MBL) for filing a lawsuit in court to try to avoid celebration of the event. “Some idiotic journalists criticized the FALSE barbecue, but the MBL went further with ACTION IN JUSTICE,” he wrote, quoted by the newspaper “O Globo”.

However, this Saturday, the Presidents of Congress and the Senate declared a national mourning for three days, which prevents the celebration of celebrations, festivities or celebrations during this period. The official duel was published in an extraordinary edition of the “Official Gazette” of Congress.

With a known total of 10,014 dead and more than 145,000 infected, Brazil is one of the countries most affected by the pandemic. However, São Paulo governor João Doria announced on Friday that, due to the increase in the number of covid-19 cases in the state, he decided to extend the confinement until May 31, ignoring pressure from the president. “I would like to give you a different story, but the scenario is bleak,” he said in a press release. São Paulo, the richest and most populous state in the country, with 45.9 million inhabitants, is the epicenter of the pandemic in Brazil, with approximately a third of those infected.

The growing size of the pandemic outbreak among Brazilians worries other Latin American countries. In Paraguay, of the 196 confirmed cases in the first week of May, 170 (86.7%) were from Brazil. According to the Paraguayan Ministry of Health, this is a trend that has continued, therefore, it decided to start revealing the origin of patients diagnosed with the new coronavirus.
