Covid-19 | Constância and Sardoal are the municipalities of the Middle Tagus classified as “high risk” (C / AUDIO)


* With Mário Rui Fonseca


The prime minister announced that partial confinement will be imposed in 121 regions, the main rule being that there are more than 240 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. This official government list only includes the counties of Constância and Sardoal among the 13 municipalities of the Middle Tagus. The region also includes Chamusca, as well as Cartaxo, Santarém, Rio Maior and Benavente.

Speaking to, Miguel Borges (PSD), president of the Santarém District Civil Protection Commission and of the Sardoal City Council, one of the two municipalities of the Middle Yew included in the list, approved the announced measure – “they fit in mathematical logic, according to European criteria ”- and accounted for its added value to curb the spread of the new coronavirus pandemic.

Miguel Borges, mayor of Sardoal and president of the District Civil Protection Commission. Photo: DR


Sardoal and Constância are two of the 121 Portuguese municipalities that fit into the mathematical logic, according to European criteria, of 240 positive cases of COVID-19 in the last 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants, the mayor of Constância reacting to these measures. .

In statements to, Sérgio Oliveira (PS) said that the defined criterion is mathematical, that it was applied and in which “Constância fits. We can agree or disagree, but we must agree ”, he declared, saying“ wait for the publication of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers with the defined rules and in an objective manner ”so that the autarky adapts to the new measures, the most of which have already been implemented by the municipality. that is to say, the work of municipal employees on a rotating basis, although there are still some doubts that the mayor wants to clarify.

Sérgio Oliveira, president of CM Constância. Photo:


António Costa announced this Saturday new restrictive measures to control the increase in covid-19 cases in the country, at the end of an extraordinary Council of Ministers that lasted 8 hours. In the 121 municipalities classified as “high risk”, a set of regulations will come into force on November 4, which we summarize here:

  • Civic duty of home collection
  • Events and celebrations limited to 5 people, unless they are from the same household.
  • Mandatory teleworking; in the impossibility of teleworking, mandatory time difference
  • Commercial establishments close until 10:00 pm; Exceptions: take out food, pharmacies, doctor’s offices, funeral homes, gas stations, and car rentals.
  • Restaurants close until 10:30 p.m., with a maximum group of 6 people, unless they are from the same household
  • Fairs and rising markets are prohibited