Covid-19: China advises flight attendants to wear diapers to avoid contagion


Airlines and their authorities have implemented various preventive measures so that passengers and flight attendants can travel safely during the pandemic. However, there are some more unusual than others.

According to CNN, on November 25, the Civil Aviation Administration of China announced new guidelines for the sector, with better hygiene practices to be applied to airplanes and airports, one of which suggested that employees, such as flight attendants, wore diapers. disposable and therefore did not need to go to the bathroom.

Cabin crew members are advised to wear disposable diapers and avoid using the toilets, except in special circumstances to avoid risk of infection. “, reads the document whose name is “Technical Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Epidemics in Airlines, Sixth Edition”.

Strange or not, the truth is that bathrooms are one of the places that accumulate the most bacteria and those spaces inside airplanes are, in general, very small and unsanitary.

Another recommendation, but this time less surprising, was the use of medical masks, two disposable gloves, protective glasses, disposable caps, disposable protective clothing and protective footwear, also disposable, especially in trips that involve countries with a very high incidence of covid-19 .

China’s Health Commission announced on Friday that it had identified 15 new cases in the last 24 hours, including six from local and the rest from abroad.

Four of the local contagion cases have been diagnosed in the Sichuan province, whose capital, Chengdu, is conducting mass screening tests for the new coronavirus, to contain its expansion.

Heilongjiang Province, in northeast China, recorded two cases.

The nine imported cases were diagnosed in Shanghai Municipality (east) and in Guangdong (southeast) and Yunnan (south) provinces.

The country totaled 86,688 infected since the beginning of the pandemic.

The covid-19 pandemic caused at least 1,570,398 deaths as a result of more than 68.8 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report by the French agency AFP.
