Covid-19 | Cases increase in the Middle Yew and there are 17 infected at home in Entroncamento


An outbreak in the home in Entroncamento caused 17 cases of covid-19 disease and one death. (illustrative image). Credits: Pixabay

The Association of Health Centers (ACES) of Médio Tejo registered 16 new cases of covid-19 and one death in the last 24 hours, 15 of them in Entroncamento and one in Torres Novas. The outbreak was detected in Lar dos Ferroviários, in Entroncamento, after the death of a user. On Thursday, in addition to the two cases detected there, today another 15 confirmed, between users and employees. Health authorities continue to carry out more tests.


The Health Delegate of ACES Médio Tejo, Maria dos Anjos Esperança, highlighted the outbreak of the home in Entroncamento and the confirmed cases this week in the region, a growing number and in line with national data. Today, Portugal counts three more deaths related to covid-19 and 687 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus.

In the 11 counties of ACES Médio Tejo, Tomar registered a total of 142 positive cases, followed by Ourém (120), Torres Novas (71), Entroncamento (65), Abrantes (56), Mação (26), Alcanena (25) , Vila Nova da Barquinha (12), Ferreira do Zêzere (8), Constância (4) and Sardoal (2).

Today, ACES Médio Tejo registers a cumulative total of 531 infected (+16), 425 recovered (-), 115 people under active surveillance (+23) and 16 deaths (+1).

In ACES Médio Tejo, the municipality of Abrantes currently has 38 people under active surveillance, followed by Ourém, with 18, Entroncamento (7), Alcanena (5) and Mação (2). The municipalities of Tomar, Torres Novas, Vila Nova da Barquinha, Constância, Ferreira do Zêzere and Sardoal do not have people under surveillance.

At ACES in Pinhal Interior Sul, Vila de Rei has had a single case of infection since the start of the pandemic, while Sertã has a cumulative total of 15 confirmed cases. In that ACES there are no deaths to register, Eugenia André, clinical director of the Local Health Unit (ULS) in Castelo Branco, told

With about 250 thousand inhabitants, the 13 municipalities of the Middle Tagus region today add a total of 547 confirmed cases of covid-19, 434 people recovered and 16 deaths.

In the 13 municipalities of the Middle Tagus, 396 cases of contagion were registered in the post-confinement period, 247 more than those reported in the initial phase of containment of the disease.

In Alto Alentejo, Gavião registered the first nine cases of covid-19 in August. The outbreak stopped there. Ponte de Sor accumulates a total of 20 positive cases. At least five of the cases refer to people who do not reside in the municipality and who have not updated their tax residence.

Lezíria do Tejo, in turn, has today an accumulated of 846 patients (+11), of which 341 cases in the municipality of Santarém, according to data from the Regional Network. Chamusca has a total of 18 patients (+3), including one death to regret, and Golegã has a total of 13 infections, according to DGS. The Lezíria region registers 29 deaths, 16 of which in Santarém.

The Santarém district accumulates a total of 1,377 cases (846 in Lezíria do Tejo and 531 in ACES Médio Tejo), and a total of 45 (+1) deaths (29 in Lezíria and 16 in ACES Médio Tejo). Lezíria do Tejo has a total of 664 (+7) recovered patients and ACES Médio Tejo has 425 (-), which gives a total of 1089 people recovered from the virus.

Portugal today registers three more deaths and 687 new cases of infection

To date, Portugal counts three more deaths related to covid-19 and 687 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the General Health Directorate (DGS) published today. The number of new cases counted in 24 hours today is the highest since April 16, when 750 new cases of infection were registered.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Portugal has already registered 1,855 deaths and 62,813 cases of infection. Two deaths were recorded in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region and another occurred in the Algarve region. 35,712 contacts remain under surveillance, 531 more than Thursday.

In the Lisbon region and the Tagus Valley, 368 new cases were reported, representing 32,170 and 694 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. Currently, the northern region has 226 more cases, totaling 22,819, with 852 deaths. In the Central region, there were more than 60 cases, with a total of 5,154 infections and 254 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

In Alentejo, 12 more cases of covid-19 were registered, totaling 1,048 cases and 22 deaths. The Algarve region today reported 15 more cases of infection, now totaling 1,207 cases and 18 deaths. In the autonomous region of the Azores, five new cases were registered, adding up to a total of 234 infections counted since the beginning of the pandemic and 15 deaths. Today in Madeira, a new case is registered, representing 181 infections, with no deaths since the start of the pandemic.

DGS also advances that in the last 24 hours 203 patients have been recovered, a total of 43,644 people reported as recovered since the beginning of the pandemic in Portugal. The number of hospitalized patients fell to 404 (minus two) and the number of hospitalized patients in intensive care units fell to 54 (minus three).

Confirmed cases are distributed in all age groups, with the highest number of infections between 20 and 59 years. In total, the new coronavirus affected at least 28,360 men and 34,453 women in Portugal, according to reported cases.

Of the total deaths, 935 were men and 920 women. The highest number of deaths is still concentrated in people over 80 years of age.

The covid-19 pandemic has already claimed at least 910,300 deaths and more than 28.2 million cases of infection in 196 countries and territories, according to a report by the French agency AFP.

c / LUSA


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