Covid-19. As Europe moves towards deflation


Millions of people across Europe are watching restrictions loosen on Monday.

In some countries, this day marks the return to school, the return of some activities and the opening of commerce. However, there are still some restrictions and precautions to maintain..
For the first time in almost eight weeks, French citizens do not need a justification to go outside.. However, they are only allowed to travel up to 100 kilometers from their homes. For longer trips, authorization will still be required, and those returning to work still need a letter from the employer confirming the inability to exercise remotely.

Elementary teachers return to classes, although they only accept a limited number of students, depending on space.

Some establishments, such as clothing stores, hair salons, and bookstores, will reopen their doors, some still with many restrictions and supervision. Bars, restaurants, theaters and cinemas will be closed.
However, the blur is not uniform across the country.

There are four regions considered red that will continue with more restricted measures, namely Paris, where the virus is still circulating with great intensity..

Transportation during peak hours will be reserved for those who need to work and the borders will be closed until further notice.
In neighboring Spain, the European country with the majority of cases of Covid-19 infection, a large part of the population will be able to reunite with their family and friends again.. Restaurants, terraces and outdoor spaces will have a green light to reopen, although with limited capacity.

Madrid and Barcelona, ​​the cities most affected by the pandemic, are the exception and will remain isolated. The inhabitants of these cities will have to stay at home and leave only at the times defined by law.

Cinemas and theaters remain closed and schools will partially reopen from May 26. The full reopening of schools is not expected before September.

Churches and mosques can reopen starting this Monday, but with limited capacity.

In Italy, some of the strict restrictive measures are beginning to be lifted. The population can now take longer trips and visit family, albeit in small quantities.. Visits to other regions of the country are still prohibited.

Funerals are now allowed with a maximum of 15 people and preferably outdoors.

Compliance with social distance remains mandatory, as well as the use of a mask on public transport. Schools remain closed until September.

Some factories, offices, and construction companies reopened on May 4, and establishments like hair salons, beauty salons, bars, and restaurants won’t open until June 1. Museums, libraries and churches will only reopen on May 18.
United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced the extension of the closure until the end of this month. “This is not the time to end the running of the bulls this week”, Johnson justified on Sunday.

So far, only industry and manufacturing can return to work this week. Physical exercise on the street will be possible from Wednesday.

Starting June 1, there will be a gradual reopening of stores and the return of elementary students to schools..

The hotel industry, restaurants and some public places will only reopen in July.


The restriction measures in Ireland were stricter than in the United Kingdom, and the population was allowed to exercise at a distance of two kilometers from their area of ​​residence.

The country begins complying with the five-step plan to reopen the country on May 18, with the decline and restrictions every three weeks.

Construction workers and gardeners will be able to resume their activities starting May 18.

Schools will be closed until September. Day care centers will only receive children of workers in essential areas from June 29 and will extend to all other children from July 20.

Weddings, christenings and small social gatherings will be allowed starting July 20, but only for close family and friends.

Non-essential stores can reopen from June 8 and larger facilities from June 29.


In Germany, deflation rules are decided by each of its 16 states.

Most stores can reopen, with additional hygiene measures and social distance. Schools have partially reopened for children and students taking the test. All other classes will gradually return over the summer..

Bundesliga soccer matches are also expected to resume behind closed doors starting May 16. Major public events like festivals remain banned until after August.

Belgium has become the country in the world with the most deaths from Covid-19 per million inhabitants and Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès has announced that the return to social life will have to be done “very gradually”.

Most companies will reopen this Monday, subject to social separation guidelines. Cafes, restaurants and bars remain closed and will only start to open from June 8. The use of a mask is mandatory on public transport..

Schools will reopen starting May 18, but no more than 10 children will be allowed in each classroom.


In the Netherlands, Prime Minister Mark Rutte presented a five-stage plan to ease the restrictive measures that will take effect starting Monday.

Libraries will be open as well as hairdressers, physical therapists and beauty salons, but always with distance measurements. Elementary schools will also partially reopen.

Bars and restaurants will be able to open their outdoor spaces from June 1 and high schools will also receive their students from this day.

Public transportation will resume normal hours of operation and the use of a mask is mandatory in these spaces.

Austria was one of the first countries to relax some of the restriction measures. In early May, shops, shopping malls and hairdressers were reopened, as well as gatherings for up to 10 people.. Outdoor sports that respect social distance are now allowed.

Restaurants and cafes will reopen in the middle of this month. Masks are mandatory for public transportation and stores.

Students in their final year of school also returned to school earlier this month. The remaining students will return in mid-May.

In Denmark, the lifting of restrictions began in April with the opening of hairdressers and beauty salons. The country is now moving to the second phase of this process.

This Monday reopens shopping malls, cafes and restaurants, provided they meet the guidelines for social distance. Social gatherings are limited to 10 people and the borders remain closed.

Nursery schools and elementary schools resumed on April 14 and secondary schools reopened on May 18.

The third phase begins on June 8 and covers museums, cinemas, zoos and universities.

(in update)
