Covid-19: Another user of the Santa Casa who entered the Bragança hospital died


Another user of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Bragança died, who was admitted to the Bragança hospital, the spokesman for the Institution’s Administrative Office, José Fernandes, told the Messenger today.
She is a 93-year-old woman.

Five users remain, two men and three women.
Currently, there are 154 positive cases in the institution, 108 users and 46 employees.

Meanwhile, seven more users of the Carção house, in the municipality of Vimioso, have recovered from the covid-19 virus infection, the institution’s management reported today to the Bragança messenger.

On September 19, 37 people, including nine employees, tested positive for the new coronavirus at the address of the Social and Parish Center of the Casa de Religiosa de Nossa Senhora das Graças, in Carção.

“We have seven more recovered users, which raises 13 older people as negative for covid-19. However, there are still another 13 who are still positive for the infection and remain asymptomatic,” said the technical director of the house, Alexandra Martins.

In addition to the 13 older people who continue to be infected with the covid-19 virus, five employees remain to recover.
Three of the infected users died, being “weak elderly”, according to the institution’s management.

Alexandra Martins said that users with a negative test are separated from those infected, in different wings of the institution, complying with the standards issued by the General Directorate of Health (DGS).
